

The Norwegian Directorate of Health

Adopting AI in healthcare services

Researchers say that artificial intelligence (AI) can provide major improvements in patient care - even revolutionising diagnosis, prevention and treatment. New solutions are being developed for e.g. segmentation of CT images, robot assisted care, sensor technology, and decision support. These novel innovations require a multi-agency coordination. In the video, Project Leader Siv Fjellkårstad, from The Norwegian Directorate of Health, talks about the initiative “National coordination for adoption of AI in the healthcare service”.

Norwegian Centre for E-health Research

Broad and sustainable use of artificial intelligence

Thorough preparations and maintenance are necessary for a successful implementation of artificial intelligence in the health care system.

New articial intelligences (AI) are being developed but few have been adopted by Norwegian health care services. Researchers have examined which barriers lie along the implementation path. They suggest a framework for planning, developing and maintaining AI solutions. Read the report about implementing artificial intelligence here.

The Norwegian Directorate of eHealth

An e-health strategy for better access, affordability, and equity

Health and care services are facing many challenges. This includes the need to improve access to safe and good-quality care. Other issues are small budgets and the global shortage of health workers. Better IT systems and digital solutions can contribute to innovation, improved workflows, and more person-centred care. In the video, Norway’s national strategy for e-health is presented by Jon Helge Andersen, Acting Director of Strategy, The Norwegian Directorate of eHealth.

Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities

Municipalities embrace radical innovation to cope with an ageing population

The warning lights have been flashing for years without many municipalities having prepared for the senior wave. Photo: Colourbox

The sharp increase in the number of elderly people and the shortage of health personnel require municipalities to take the wheel when facilitating innovation, change, and increased competency. Read the interview with Kristin Strandal and Henrik Dons Finsrud from the Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities here.

The Norwegian Directorate of Health

Can be independent longer

By using health services at home, people will be able to maintain their independence longer.

When health and care services are more in tune with citizens' needs, knowledge and resources will be used better. Read the article and watch the webinar about how the national government in Norway supports the municipalities with facilitating remote care.


What will be important for e-health and research in the future?

Nard Schreurs runs Norway's largest e-health conference and knows all the latest developments in the field. When he looks into his crystal ball, what does he see that will be important in the future?

The Norwegian Directorate of Health

Goal: Remote home care in all of Norway

The Norwegian government recommends that municipalities offer remote home care. In this video, you will meet Siw Helene Myrseth from the Directorate of Health. She talks about getting remote home care up and running in all of Norway, as well as what knowledge we need in the future.

Livv Health

What can artificial intelligence do for healthcare?

Ishita Barua, chief medical officer in Livv Health, has researched this exact question. In this video, she offers examples about how artificial intelligence can save time and predict illnesses. Inspirational!

Nordic Welfare Centre

Nordic countries collaborate about welfare technology

Bengt Andersson from the Nordic Welfare Centre wants implementation of welfare technology to go faster. Can more collaboration or competition be the answer?

National Association for Public Health

Sustainable healthcare through effective prevention

How do we create more sustainable healthcare services? Mina Gerhardsen, National Association for Public Health in Norway, recommends preventing illnesses as one of many steps we can take.