
Børge Lønnebakke Norberg


Børge Lønnebakke Norberg is a general practitioner from Trondheim. He specializes in general medicine and has also worked in e.g. psychiatry. He has has more than 10 years of experience as an educator (lector) in communications at the medicine study program at NTNU.

Børge is a PhD candidate. Together with Eli Kristiansen, they are working on a large NFR project about digital communication between general practitioners and their patients. He is a a real gentleman - he can play the accordian, but doesn't (citation: Wenche Foss)!

Børge's projects
Project title Year Theme Project management
E-konsultasjoner 2020 - 2022 Eli Kristiansen Paolo Zanaboni
The large-scale implementation of e-consultations with the GP: a mixed-methods evaluation of the impact on health system, GPs and patients 2022 - 2027 Citizen services
Services for health professionals
Paolo Zanaboni
Børge's publications in Cristin
Title Year Category
Primary care gatekeeping during the Covid-19 pandemic: a survey of 1234 Norwegian regular GPs 2023 Academic article
Future use of e-consultations within a regular GP scheme 2023 Academic lecture
Bedre kvalitet i e-konsultasjoner 2023 Digital learning tools
Presentasjon AFE-seminar 2023 Academic lecture
Fordeler og ulemper med legetime på video 2023 Interview
Low Adoption of Video Consultations in Post-COVID-19 General Practice in Northern Europe: Barriers to Use and Potential Action Points 2023 Academic article
– Den effektive kommunikasjonen i en videokonsultasjon er et tveegget sverd 2023 Interview
General Practitioners’ Experiences With Potentials and Pitfalls of Video Consultations in Norway During the COVID-19 Lockdown: Qualitative Analysis of Free-Text Survey Answers 2023 Academic article
Eldre setter pris på å kunne sende meldinger rett til legen 2023 Interview
Older patients' experiences of access to and use of e-consultations with the general practitioner in Norway: an interview study 2023 Academic article
The impact of clinical experience on working tasks and job-related stress: a survey among 1032 Norwegian GPs 2022 Academic article
Phd om digitale konsultasjoner 2022 Academic lecture
Quality in digital consultations in general practice 2022 Academic lecture
A multilevel perspective on digital consultations in general practice. Symposium. 2022 Academic lecture
Workshop 2022 Academic lecture
A multilevel perspective on digital consultations in general practice 2022 Academic lecture
Presentasjon av Phd-prosjekt 2022 Lecture
Videokonsultasjoner 2021 Lecture
E-helse i fremtiden 2021 Academic lecture
Møt legen på video 2021 Interview
Videokonsultasjoner med fastlegen under pandemien 2021 Lecture
Forberedelse doktorgrad - artikkelskriving 2021 Lecture
Norske erfaringer med videokonsultasjoner med fastlegen under pandemien 2021 Academic lecture
E-konsultasjon og andre digitale tjenester med fastlegen: erfaringer og effekter for pasienter og helsetjenesten 2021 Academic lecture
In half of the cases, a video meeting with the doctor was as good as meeting in person 2021 Interview
Videomøte med fastlegen var i halvparten av tilfellene like bra som time på legekontoret 2021 Interview
Suitability of Video Consultations During the COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown: Cross-sectional Survey Among Norwegian General Practitioners 2021 Academic article
Skal kartlegge fastlegers bruk av videokonsultasjoner 2020 Interview
Komplekse problemstillinger i allmennpraksis-en prevalensstudie 2020 Academic article