
New E-health Professor!

Monika Knudsen Gullslett has become professor in mental health and digitalisation at the Norwegian Centre for E-health Research and the University of South-Eastern Norway.

Monika Knudsen Gullslett has created new knowledge within e-health during many years, and now she has become professor!
Monika Knudsen Gullslett has created new knowledge within e-health during many years, and now she has become professor!

Monika Gullslett has for several years contributed to the development of scientific environments mainly by exploring, understanding and establishing new knowledge in mental health and recovery, organization and service innovation as well as digitization and health technology.

- I want to contribute to the development of digital services in mental health. I work closely with people who have mental health problems and receive services at various levels, both in municipalities and in the specialist service, the professor says.

Today, Gullslett is researching, among other things, the use of video consultation in mental health care during Covid 19.

- This is very exciting considering the situation we are in now. The research brings with it the perspectives of the therapist, user and relatives, Gullslett explains.

She is also working on several Nordic and international projects that focus on the development of health technology and digital solutions in European and African countries. The projects address current, time-relevant and original issues, and that both the qualitative method used and data sources including the user perspective are central to developing good research and further good health services.

Read more about Monika Knudsen Gullslett's research here.