Monika Knudsen Gullslett
Monika is a professor in the Personal e-Health department, NSE and also a professor at the Center for Health and Technology at the University of Southeast-Norway. She is an experienced sociologist with a demonstrated history of working in research and higher education. Gullslett is skilled in e-Learning, analytical skills, clinical research, data analysis, and lecturing. She is a research professional with a PhD in Health and sports sciences from the University of Agder (UiA) and Nordic School of Public Health (Gothenburg). Her main research interests are e-health, welfare technology, service-innovation (ageing people, mental health, intellectual disability), user-involvement and co-creation. She uses primarily qualitative research methods but also quantitative when applicable. Innovation in the public sector is central to her projects. She has been teaching and supervising at bachelor's and master's levels. She also has experience with facilitating student innovation in the health and welfare bachelor’s programs.