
Monika Knudsen Gullslett


Monika is a professor in the Personal e-Health department, NSE and also a professor at the Center for Health and Technology at the University of Southeast-Norway. She is an experienced sociologist with a demonstrated history of working in research and higher education. Gullslett is skilled in e-Learning, analytical skills, clinical research, data analysis, and lecturing. She is a research professional with a PhD in Health and sports sciences from the University of Agder (UiA) and Nordic School of Public Health (Gothenburg). Her main research interests are e-health, welfare technology, service-innovation (ageing people, mental health, intellectual disability), user-involvement and co-creation. She uses primarily qualitative research methods but also quantitative when applicable. Innovation in the public sector is central to her projects. She has been teaching and supervising at bachelor's and master's levels. She also has experience with facilitating student innovation in the health and welfare bachelor’s programs.

Monika's projects
Project title Year Theme Project management
Avstandsoppfølging i spesialisthelsetjenesten - Videokonsultasjoner i psykisk helsevern ved Finnmarkssykehuset  2020 - 2020 Monika Knudsen Gullslett
Videokonsultasjoner i psykisk helsevern ved UNN BUPA - Ny kunnskap når videokonsultasjoner overtar for fysiske møter i psykisk helsevern (under Covid-19) 2020 - 2021 Services for health professionals
Monika Knudsen Gullslett
Videokonsultasjoner i psykisk helsevern under Covid-19 2020 - 2021 Services for health professionals
Monika Knudsen Gullslett
Tackling social inequalities in health with the use of e-health and telemedicine solutions - Polenprosjektet 2020 - 2024 Innbyggertjenester
Tjenester for helsepersonell
Eirin Rødseth
Videokonsultasjoner i psykisk helsevern - Brukere og pårørendes erfaringer når videokonsultasjoner overtar for fysiske møter. 2021 - 2023 Pasientforløp
Monika Knudsen Gullslett
BETTEReHEALTH: Human, Technological and Political factors for better coordination and support of e-health in Africa 2021 - 2023 Citizen services
Health data
Services for health professionals
Monika Knudsen Gullslett
Forskningssenter for Digitale Psykiske Helsetjenester 2020 - 2027 Innbyggertjenester
Monika Knudsen Gullslett
NURTURE 2021 - 2026 Citizen services
Monika Knudsen Gullslett
Proactive health and welfare technology for Nordic users and societies (PROTECT) 2021 - 2022 Citizen services
Eirin Rødseth
Monika's publications in Cristin
Title Year Category
Effect of Performance-Based Nonfinancial Incentives on Data Quality in Individual Medical Records of Institutional Births: Quasi-Experimental Study 2024 Academic article
Slik forandrer teknologi helsetjenestene: – Skjønner ikke hvordan de gjorde det før 2024 Interview
Health professionals' technology readiness on the acceptance of teleradiology in the Amhara regional state public hospitals, northwest Ethiopia: Using technology readiness acceptance model (TRAM) 2024 Academic article
Proactive health and welfare technology for Nordic users and societies – A policy brief 2023 Article in business/trade/industry journal
Holdninger hos ansatte og ledere til det å ta i bruk digitale helsetjenester for ungdommer med angst – en pre-implementeringsstudie utført med kombinerte metoder 2023 Report
Hvordan påvirker digitalisering sosial ulikhet blant unge, og kan digitalisering bidra til økt likeverdighet? Abstract presentation 2023 Academic lecture
The effect of capacity building evidence-based medicine training on its implementation among healthcare professionals in Southwest Ethiopia: a controlled quasi-experimental outcome evaluation 2023 Academic article
Health professionals' construction of the patient: A critical qualitative study of a possible factor influencing implementation of digital mental health treatment 2023 Academic lecture
Medical imaging consultation practices and challenges at public hospitals in the Amhara regional state, Northwest Ethiopia: a descriptive phenomenological study 2023 Academic article
How can Technology Contribute to Sustainable Social Services in Europe? 2023 Lecture
Adolescents Experiences with Video Consultations in Specialized Mental Health Services in Norway 2023 Academic lecture
Telemedicine meeting and visit to an emergency hospital in Uzbekistan 2023 Report
Digital Health Literacy During the COVID-19 Pandemic Among Health Care Providers in Resource-Limited Settings: Cross-sectional Study 2022 Academic article
Lessons and Implementation Challenges of Community Health Information System in LMICs: A Scoping Review of Literature 2022 Academic literature review
Kirkens Bymisjon som tillitsskapende velferdsaktør 2022 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Telemedicine and e-health projects - Lessons learned from 30 years of telemedicine 2022 Lecture
2022 Poster
Implications of introducing Internet-delivered treatment for anxiety and depression in Norway: A critical examination 2022 Academic lecture
Barn og unges erfaringer med videokonsultasjoner i psykisk helsevern 2022 Academic lecture
Digital psykisk helse og rus 2022 Lecture
Digitalisering av psykisk helse. Universell utforming. 2022 Lecture
SAC gathering Forhelse. Mental health and digitalization 2022 Lecture
Implementering av nye organisasjonsformer og digitale løsninger innen psykisk helsevern 2022 Academic lecture
Implementing and Learning to Use Video Meetings in Mental Health Hospital Departments 2022 Academic lecture
Trust-based service innovation of municipal home care. A longitudinal mixed methods study 2022 Academic article
Mental health and technology Past - present - future 2022 Academic lecture
Digitalisation in specialised mental health services. Adolescents experiences with Video consultations 2022 Academic lecture
Implementing and Learning to Use Video Meetings in Mental Health Hospital Departments. Therapists’ Experiences from Internal and External Meetings. A Qualitative Study 2022 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Use of social media for COVID-19-related information and associated factors among health professionals in Northwest Ethiopia: A cross-sectional study 2022 Academic article
Nærhet og omsorg på skjerm 2022 Feature article
E-resept for medisin­doser på rull gir mange fordeler 2022 Interview
Implementation of E-prescription for Multidose Dispensed Drugs: Qualitative Study of General Practitioners’ Experiences 2022 Academic article
Sosial innovasjon i overgangen til arbeidslivet 2021 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mamma Mia, en app om å bli mamma. 2021 Lecture
Emeistring - Psykisk helse på nett tilbyr asynkron behandling for angst og depresjon. 2021 Lecture
Senterleder Tine Nordgreen presenterer Forhelse, som er et senter for forskningsdrevet innovasjon. 2021 Lecture
Linn Nathalie Støme forsker på forbedring av helsetjenester hos Forhelse.  2021 Lecture
Forskningssenter for Digitale Psykiske Helsetjenester 2021 Lecture
Foreslår digital vergetjeneste for dem som faller utenfor digitalt 2021 Interview
Fremskritt for e-helse gir også digitalt utenforskap 2021 Feature article
Next of kin’s experiences with and attitudes towards digital monitoring technology for ageing people with dementia in residential care facilities. A qualitative study based on the voices of next of kin and care providers 2021 Academic article
Use of video consultation in specialized mental health services: a qualitative study of therapists' experiences of video consultations during the period of Covid-19 restrictions. 2021 Academic lecture
Therapists’ experience of video consultation in specialized mental health services during the COVID-19 pandemic: Qualitative interview study 2021 Academic article
Healthcare providers’ acceptance of telemedicine and preference of modalities during COVID-19 pandemics in a low-resource setting: An extended UTAUT model 2021 Academic article
Avstandsoppfølging i spesialisthelsetjenesten – Videokonsultasjoner (VK) i psykisk helsevern. 2020 Academic lecture
E-health literacy and associated factors among chronic patients in a low-income country: a cross-sectional survey. 2020 Academic article
Implementation of eHealth Technology in Community Health Care: the complexity of stakeholder involvement 2020 Academic article
«Så lenge mutter’n har det bra…» En kvalitativ studie om velferdsteknologi og myten om den informerte og interesserte pårørende. 2019 Academic lecture
Global Perspectives on Social Work and Preventative Care Education Across Borders. Final report, PNA-2016/10080. SIU. 2019 Report
«WIPID – tentative funn om sosialt entreprenørskap som virkemiddel i overgang fra skole til arbeid for personer med utviklingshemming». 2018 Academic lecture
Sosialt entreprenørskap og innovasjon i helse og velferdsutdanninger. 2018 Academic lecture
Drømmen om A4. Kjerring og unger, hus og bil - Hva skal til? 2018 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Samarbeidsbasert forskning - grunnlag for økt demokrati, likeverdighet og bedring? Erfaringer fra en kompetansegruppe 2018 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Towards trust-based management in healthcare – the complexity of a value-driven innovation process in municipal homecare 2018 Academic lecture
Tillitsmodellen – hovedpilotering i Oslo kommune 2017-18 2018 Report
Hvilke områder kan vi se for bruk av videobasert kommunikasjon, tilsyn, oppfølging for utviklingshemmede? 2017 Lecture
DIGITALT TILSYN – EN REISE I SAMHANDLING OG SAMSKAPING RAPPORT FRA FORSKNINGSPROSJEKTET Implementation of welfare technology. Digital surveillance in municipalities and its impact on innovation of services and organization 2017 Report
How to implement social innovation and social entrepreneurship in bachelor programs? An example from a development project at the University College of Southeast Norway. 2017 Lecture
Hvordan studere endring i pasienters helsetilstand innen ambulante akutteam» - individuelle, sosiale og kontekstuelle faktorer 2017 Article in business/trade/industry journal
Implementation of Digital Surveillance Technology – Innovation through Cooperation and Co-creation 2017 Poster
Tillitsmodellen - erfaringer med mini-pilotering av selvstyrende team i tre bydeler i Oslo kommune 2017 Report
En kvalitativ studie om personlige opplevelser og erfaringer med psykiske kriser og hjelp fra et ambulant akutteam - hva kan fremme bedring i psykiske kriser? 2016 Academic lecture
Behandlingapparatet må hjelpe brukerne til å finne sin egenkraft, og ta den i bruk i tilfriskningen 2016 Interview
Exploring resistance to implementation of welfare technology in municipal healthcare services – a longitudinal case study 2016 Academic article
En kvalitativ studie om personlige opplevelser og erfaringer med psykiske kriser og hjelp fra et ambulant aktutteam – hva kan fremme bedring i psykiske kriser? 2016 Doctoral dissertation
Digitalt nattilsyn, ledelse og etisk motstand 2016 Academic lecture
“Emotional Darkness without Solutions”: Subjective Experiences of Mental Health Crisis 2016 Academic article
Studenter og psykisk helse: Psykiske problemer – vårt siste tabu? http://www.psynett.no/student/psykisk-helse/tabu-rundt-psykisk-helse/ 2015 Website (informational material)
Taushetsbruddet. http://siljepileberg.com/taushetsbruddet/ 2015 Interview
Innføring av velferdsteknologi. Kommunene kan lykkes hvis ... 2015 Feature article
Teknologi og eldreomsorg 2015 Feature article
Nyttig velferdsteknologi i eldreomsorgen 2015 Feature article
Det var et lite måltid på kveldene https://www.nrk.no/osloogviken/_-det-var-et-lite-maltid-om-kveldene-1.12078789 2014 Interview
Når det emosjonelle mørket senker seg. https://www.tk.no/nyheter/nar-det-emosjonelle-morket-senker-seg/s/5-51-10726 2014 Interview
Det er mange Lene-Marliner der ute. https://www.dagsavisen.no/nyheter/innenriks/det-er-mange-lene-marliner-der-ute-1.287890 2014 Interview
Om opplevelse av kaos, ensomhet, identitet og relasjoner – en presentasjon om personers erfaringer med psykiske kriseopplevelser. Hvordan kan man håndtere og leve med langvarig psykisk lidelse og psykiske kriser, og hvordan kan ambulante akutteam kan være til hjelp? 2014 Lecture
Service users’ experiences of the impact of mental health crisis on social identity and social relations 2014 Academic article
Service users’ experiences of the impact of mental health crisis on social identity and social relations 2014 Academic article
Flaskehalser i implementeringen av velferdsteknologi 2014 Academic lecture
Institutional resistance to welfare technology in the municipal health and care services 2014 Academic lecture
"Ambulant akutteam - et sikkerhetsbelte for mennesker i psykisk krise?" 2013 Academic article
Nytter forskning i psykiatrien? 2013 Feature article
Autonomiens betydning og vilkår ved ambulante akutteam. En teoretisk analyse 2012 Academic article
"Vitensenter helse og teknologi" 2012 Other presentation
Mental health crisis - experiences and strategies in everyday life 2011 Abstract
Service users' experiences with help and support from crisis resolution teams. A literature review 2010 Academic literature review
En kvalitativ studie om implementering av jobb-pc hjemme hos ansatte i Norges Forskningsråd 1999 Thesis at a second degree level
Monika's project reports
Report no. Title Author(s)
2023 02 Telemedicine meeting and visit to an emergency hospital in Uzbekistan Monika Knudsen Gullslett, Lene Lundberg, Karianne Lind, Stein Olav Skrøvseth
Monika's fact sheets
Fact sheet no Title Contact
2021 05 Video consultations in mental health care Monika Knudsen Gullslett
Monika's presentations
Date Title Event Author(s)
2022.12.05 30 years of telemedicine Uzbekistan workshop - Development of a Regional Telemedical network in Central Asia Monika Knudsen Gullslett, Eirin Rødseth
2021.02.18 Multidose i e-resept Statusmøte NHN Trine Strand Bergmo, Anette Vik Jøsendal, Monika Knudsen Gullslett