
Trine Strand Bergmo


Trine Strand Bergmo is a senior researcher at the centre and associate professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy, UiT The Arctic University of Norway. She works with health services research and health economics in the e-health field. Bergmo has a master in economics from UiT The Arctic University of Norway and a PhD in health services research from the University of Oslo. She has 7 years of clinical experience as a registered nurse. Bergmo has broad experience with quantitative research methodology, systematic reviews, health economic evaluations, and decision modelling. She has been working with telemedicine, e-health, welfare technology and new integration and cooperation models for better patient care pathways. She has been a researcher and advisor in several EU projects, including chairing an international reference group (International Telemedicince Advisery Board).

Topics of interest include health service innovation and research with a focus on evaluation of new models for communication and cooperation using e-health interventions and digital patient services. She is currently working as a project manager for a research project focusing on the implementation, impacts and experiences of introducing e-prescribing for multidose dispensed drugs.

Trine Strand's projects
Project title Year Theme Project management
Methods to evaluate the effects of digital health services for citizens 2016 - 2017 Paolo Zanaboni
PACT I and II 2015 - 2021 Patient pathways
Gro Berntsen
Economic evaluation of the PAtient Centered Team (PACT) 2015 - 2023 Patient pathways
Trine Strand Bergmo
Evaluation of the Electronic Multidose Drug Dispensing pilot in Rogaland County 2014-2016 2016 - 2017 Pasientforløp
Trine Strand Bergmo
Evaluation of Electronic Multidose Drug Dispencing (eMD) 2017-2021 2018 - 2023 Services for health professionals
Trine Strand Bergmo
The patients medication list and summary care record in nursing homes and home based care 2018 - 2025 Tjenester for helsepersonell
Unn Manskow
E-konsultasjon og sykemelding 2020 - 2021 Innbyggertjenester
Eli Kristiansen
The large-scale implementation of e-consultations with the GP: a mixed-methods evaluation of the impact on health system, GPs and patients 2022 - 2027 Citizen services
Services for health professionals
Paolo Zanaboni
Evaluering av sykmelding over e-konsultasjoner 2023 - 2026 Trine Strand Bergmo
Trine Strand's publications in Cristin
Title Year Category
Patients' experiences with receiving sick leave certificates via remote consultations in Norway during the COVID-19 pandemic: a nationwide online survey 2024 Academic article
A Trial-Based Cost-Utility Analysis of a Medication Optimization Intervention Versus Standard Care in Older Adults 2023 Academic article
Hvordan holder legemiddelbrukere oversikt over sine faste legemidler? 2023 Poster
Suitability of issuing sickness certifications in remote consultations during the COVID-19 pandemic. A mixed method study of GPs’ experiences 2023 Academic article
Older high-cost patients in Norwegian somatic hospitals: A register-based study of patient characteristics 2023 Academic article
Nationally shared medication lists – describing systems in the Nordic countries 2023 Academic lecture
Nationally Shared Medication Lists - Describing Systems in the Nordic Countries 2023 Academic article
Internet Use for Obtaining Medicine Information: Cross-sectional Survey 2023 Academic article
Older patients' experiences of access to and use of e-consultations with the general practitioner in Norway: an interview study 2023 Academic article
Multidose drug dispensing in home care services: Impact of a shared medication list on medication safety 2022 Doctoral dissertation
Patient’s experiences with multidose drug dispensing – a qualitative study 2022 Poster
From paper-based to electronic prescribing of multidose drug dispensing — a longitudional study of prescription changes. 2022 Academic lecture
Self-reported medication information needs among medication users in a general population aged 40 years and above – the Tromsø study 2022 Academic article
Health-Related Quality of Life Among Acutely Hospitalized Older Adults 2022 Poster
Healthcare Utilization and Costs Among Acutely Hospitalized Older Adults 2022 Poster
Multidose Drug Dispensing in Primary Care: A Review of the Literature 2022 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Older high-utilization patients in Norwegian somatic hospitals - a national register-based study 2022 Academic lecture
Kunnskapsgrunnlag for digitalisering av legemiddelområdetKunnskapsnotat til Direktoratet for e-helses områdeplan for digitalisering av legemiddelområdet 2022 Report
From paper-based to electronic prescribing of multidose drug dispensing — effects on pharmacy workload 2022 Academic article
E-resept for medisin­doser på rull gir mange fordeler 2022 Interview
Implementation of E-prescription for Multidose Dispensed Drugs: Qualitative Study of General Practitioners’ Experiences 2022 Academic article
Implementation of a shared medication list in primary care - a controlled pre-post study of medication discrepancies 2021 Academic article
The Practice Guidelines for Multidose Drug Dispensing Need Revision—An Investigation of Prescription Problems and Interventions 2021 Academic article
E-konsultasjon og sykmelding: Undersøkelse av erfaringer med unntak fra krav til personlig fremmøte under covid-19-pandemien 2021 Lecture
E-konsultasjon og sykmelding - Undersøkelse av erfaringer med unntak fra krav til personlig fremmøte under covid-19-pandemien 2021 Report
From Paper to E-Prescribing of Multidose Drug Dispensing: A Qualitative Study of Workflow in a Community Care Setting 2021 Academic article
Digital Medication Management - submit your paper 2020 Other product
Potentially inappropriate prescribing to older patients receiving multidose drug dispensing 2020 Academic article
Legene bruker fortsatt faks. Nå må de over på e-resept for alle medisiner 2020 Interview
E-helseforskerne finner mye feil, forblir likevel teknooptimister 2020 Interview
How Discrepancies in Medication Records Affect the Creation and Trust in a Shared Electronic Medication List in Norway 2019 Academic lecture
Digital solutions for a shared medication list​ A narrative literature review​ 2019 Academic lecture
Prescribing errors on multidose drug dispensing prescriptions 2019 Poster
How discrepancies in medication records affect the creation and trust in a shared electronic medication list in Norway 2019 Academic article
Factors easing the transition from paper to electronic prescribing of multidose dispensed drugs (MDD) 2019 Academic article
Digital solutions for a shared medication list. A narrative literature review 2019 Academic article
Person-centred, integrated and pro-active care for multi-morbid elderly with advanced care needs: A propensity score-matched controlled trial 2019 Academic article
Overgang til eMultidose 2019 Lecture
Erfaring med multidose 2019 Lecture
Pharmacist interventions on multidose drug dispensing prescriptions 2019 Academic lecture
Cost-Effectiveness of Telemedicine in Remote Orthopedic Consultations: Randomized Controlled Trial 2019 Academic article
Quality of prescribing for Norwegian elderly patients using automated multidose dispensed drugs 2018 Academic lecture
Clinical videoconferencing as ehealth: A critical-realist review and qualitative meta-synthesis 2018 Academic literature review
Samhandling og informasjonsutveksling - Beskrivelse av tidsbruk og arbeidsoppgaver blant fastleger 2018 Report
Fra papir til elektronisk ordinering av multidose 2018 Briefs
Methods to Evaluate the Effects of Internet-Based Digital Health Interventions for Citizens: Systematic Review of Reviews 2018 Academic literature review
Riktigere legemiddellister med multidose i e-resept 2018 Academic article
Telemonitoring in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (chromed) a randomized clinical trial 2018 Academic article
E-multidose er bedre for pasientsikkerheten enn dosett og faksThe e-multidose is better for patients’ safety than dosette boxes and faxes 2018 Academic article
Multidose i e-resept 2018 Report
Lukket legemiddelsløyfe i hele pasientforløpet. 2017 Lecture
Multidose i e-resept 2017 Academic lecture
Impact of Patient Accessible EHRs – An Interactive Workshop to Share Experiences and Explore Evaluation Approaches 2017 Lecture
Person-centered, cross organizational and multiprofessional team halves mortality risk. The PAtient Centered Care Team (PACT) Study – Preliminary results from a comparative effectiveness study 2017 Abstract
Effekter av digitale innbyggertjenester 2017 Report
Multidose i e-resept Erfaringer fra bruk av e-multidose i pilotkommuner 2016 Report
How to Measure Costs and Benefits of E-health Interventions? 2016 Academic lecture
Oversikt over tallmateriale og kartlegginger på e-helse i Norge 2016 Report
Kunnskapsoppsummering - Erfaring med multidose med fokus på de skandinaviske landene 2016 Report
Patient-Centred Healthcare Team Work Practice, Experiences, and Estimated Benefits 2016 Academic article
Randomised controlled trial of telemonitoring with addition of daily forced oscillation in older people with COPD and co-morbidity 2016 Academic lecture
Evaluation of a Context-Specific Communication System Based on Smartphones. A field study of use and nurses’ expectations 2016 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
eTELEMED 2016, The Eighth International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine and Social Medicine 2016 Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
PASIENTSENTRERT HELSETJENESTETEAM – en samarbeidsmodell mellom kommune og helseforetak 2016 Popular scientific article
Evaluation of a Context Specific Communcation System Based on Smartphone. Nurses Use and Experiences 2016 Academic article
Re: Telemedisin bringer spesialisthelsetjenesten hjem til pasienten 2015 Reader opinion piece
Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the PAtient-Centred Team (PACT) model: protocol of a prospective matched control before and after study 2015 Academic article
How to Measure Costs and Benefits of E-health Interventions; an Overview of Methods and Frameworks 2015 Academic article
An Economic Model of Remote Specialist Consultations using Videoconferencing 2015 Academic article
Using QALYs in telehealth evaluations: a systematic review of methodology and transparency 2014 Academic article
Economic Impact of Remote Specialist Consultations Using Videoconferencing: an Economic Model Based on Data From Randomised Controlled Trials 2014 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Low-Intensity Self-Management Intervention for Persons With Type 2 Diabetes Using a Mobile Phone-Based Diabetes Diary, With and Without Health Counseling and Motivational Interviewing: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial 2013 Academic article
Electronic Messaging in Primary Care – Reporting from an Implementation and Evaluation Project in Northern Norway 2013 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Approaches to economic evaluation in telemedicine 2012 Academic article
Telemedicine: measuring effects and patient preferences 2011 Doctoral dissertation
Economic evaluation in telemedicine - still room for improvement 2010 Academic article
Web-based consultations for parents of children with atopic dermatitis: results of a randomized controlled trial 2009 Academic article
Can economic evaluation in telemedicine be trusted? A systematic review of the literature 2009 Academic article
Adherence in Internet-based interventions 2008 Academic article
Patients' willingness to pay for electronic communication with their general practitioner 2007 Academic article
A tele-obstetric broadband service including ultrasound, videoconferencing and cardiotocogram. A high cost and a low volume of patients 2007 Academic article
Telemedicine in radiotherapy: A study exploring remote treatment planning, supervision and economics 2005 Academic article
Electronic patient-provider communication: Will it offset office visits and telephone consultations in primary care? 2005 Academic article
Er overføring av hjertebilyder via e-post kostnadsbesparende? 2004 Academic article
Nettbasert pasientinformasjonssystem. Hovedrapport fra Elviraprosjektet 2001 Report
Vill bruk av stillbildehenvisninger være kostnadsbesparende? 2000 Academic article
A cost-minimization analysis of a realtime teledermatology service in northern Norway 2000 Academic article
An economic analysis of teleconsultation in otorhinolaryngology 1997 Academic article
Videoconferencing in psychiatry. A survey of use in northern Norway 1996 Academic article
An economic analysis of teleradiology versus a visiting radiologist service 1996 Academic article
Trine Strand's project reports
Report no. Title Author(s)
2021 03 E-konsultasjon og sykmelding Eli Kristiansen, Elin Breivik, Trine Strand Bergmo, Monika Johansen, Paolo Zanaboni
2018 05 Samhandling og informasjonsutveksling Kristian Malm-Nicolaisen, Line Silsand, Gunn Hilde Rotvold, Gro-Hilde Severinsen, Eli Kristiansen, Trine Strand Bergmo, Rune Pedersen, Inger Marie Holm, Halgeir Holthe
2018 06 Multidose i e-resept: Sluttrapport Trine Strand Bergmo, Monika Johansen, Anette Vik Jøsendal, Elin Johnsen, Nils Kolstrup
2016 08 Multidose i e-resept: Erfaringer fra bruk av e-multidose i pilotkommuner Trine Strand Bergmo, Monika Johansen, Anette Vik Jøsendal, Elin Johnsen, Nils Kolstrup
2017 02 Effekter av digitale innbyggertjenester Paolo Zanaboni, Thomas Roger Schopf, Trine Strand Bergmo, Monika Johansen, Nils Kolstrup, Elin Johnsen
2016 04 Knowledge summary - Experience with multidose focusing on the Scandinavian countries Trine Strand Bergmo, Monika Johansen, Anette Vik Jøsendal, Elin Johnsen, Nils Kolstrup
2016 01 Oversikt over tallmateriale og kartlegginger på e-helse i Norge - delrapport i utredning av nasjonal e-helse monitor Trine Strand Bergmo, Rune Pedersen, Hege Andreassen, Inger Marie Holm
NST-rapport 2001 03 Eksemveiledning via e- post Trine Strand Bergmo, Anders Lovold, Inger Danielsen, Beate Nyheim
NST-rapport 2001 02 Nettbasert pasientinformasjonssystem Johan Gustav Bellika, Trine Strand Bergmo, et al
NST-rapport 2000 05 Investeringer i videokonferanse innen dermatologi i Troms og Finnmark Elin Breivik, Trine Strand Bergmo
NST-rapport 2000 04 An economic evaluation of telemedicine in north-west Russia Elin Breivik, Trine Strand Bergmo
Trine Strand's fact sheets
Fact sheet no Title Contact
2018 08 Fra papir til elektronisk ordinering av multidose Trine Strand Bergmo
Trine Strand's posters
Poster no. Title Author(s) Size
2018 07 Patient Centered Healthcare Teams Elin Breivik, Trine Strand Bergmo A2
2017 12 Patient Centered Healthcare Teams Trine Strand Bergmo A2
Trine Strand's presentations
Date Title Event Author(s)
2021.02.18 Multidose i e-resept Statusmøte NHN Trine Strand Bergmo, Anette Vik Jøsendal, Monika Knudsen Gullslett
2017.05.11 Implementering av e-helsetjenester i Helse Midt-Norge og potensiale for integrering i Helseplattformen Søkekonferansen Paolo Zanaboni, Monika Johansen, Trine Strand Bergmo