
Collaboration for a new future

What does it take for welfare technology and digital home follow-up to work best in the municipalities? E-health Vestland is a project in which all the municipalities in the county are joining forces to meet the future of e-health. One of the project's keywords is experience sharing, and we'll hear more about this at the webinar on 9 September.

Collaboration for a new future
Kari Eidnes Bjørkheim presents how E-health Vestland is preparing for the future.

Interaction and understanding

‘We have many stakeholders, which is why it's important to co-operate and have a common understanding. We need to talk to each other and have a common understanding of what we want to achieve,’ says project manager Kari Eidnes Bjørkheim.

E-health VestlandE-health Vestland is a multi-year project to strengthen expertise in welfare technology in the counties. ‘There is great potential in welfare technology and digital home follow-up, but we need to collaborate across disciplines, share knowledge and be visionary if we are to make significant gains,’ Bjørkheim continues.

Bjørkheim and colleague Kjell Olav Bondevik shared their experiences so far in this webinar. What new ideas have they come up with? How do they achieve interdisciplinary collaboration between municipalities, hospitals and businesses?


You can download the podcast to your mobile on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Podbean. Search for ‘Norwegian Centre for E-health Research’.