
Using the correct dose for children

A small body needs less medicine. Use KOBLE to check the correct dosage of medication for children.

Using the correct dose for children
Helene Grytli tells about KOBLE - a reference about medication for children.

Experience shows that KOBLE is a useful reference tool for pharmacists, doctors, public health nurses and other healthcare professionals. Where can you find it and how can you most effectively find the information you need?

Presentation and demonstratio by Helene Grytli, project manager in Norsk Legemiddelhåndbok.

KOBLE - Knowledge-based Reference about Medication for Children is a Norwegian translation of the Dutch reference kinderformularium.nl and describes how to use medications in pediactrics.


You can download the podcast to your mobile on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Podbean. Search for ‘Norwegian Centre for E-health Research’.