
The future of digital mediciation management

Everything from making medications to successful treatment. What is most important for patients? During the webinar on 14 April, we took a look at the big trends in Europe.

Webinar: Status and trends
Thomas Bäckstrøm and Astrid Johnsen summarize the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists conference of 2023.

There's a lot going on in digital medication management at the moment. In the recording below, we take a closer look at some European focus areas:

  • How can we reduce medication errors?
  • How can we automate medication management?
  • How can we prevent side effects?
  • How can we support doctors, nurses, and pharmacists?

Presentation by hospital pharmacist Thomas Bäckstrøm at Sykehusapoteket Østfold, Kalnes and developer Astrid Johansen at Sykehusapotekene HF.


You can download the podcast to your mobile on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Podbean. Search for ‘Norwegian Centre for E-health Research’.