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EHiN Research 2019: For seasoned professionals and the new and curious

If you want to learn about the ins and outs in digital health, you should not miss the research track at EHiN. This year, the 17th Scandinavian Conference on Health Informatics takes place during EHiN.


E-prescribing does not prevent medication errors

Despite the fact that almost all doctors use e-prescriptions, patients are still harmed by medication errors, and at least a thousand die each year. Senior researcher Kari Dyb at the Norwegian Centre for E-health Research studies the consequences of new technology in the health services.


EHiN Research 2019: Fresh knowledge on pressing issues

We are enthusiastic about the research that will be shared with everyone at EHiN. This year, we offer a conference-in-the-conference, namely the Scandinavian Conference on Health Informatics. It is the setting of all the new e-health research, and an important part of it all.


Have you received a text message? We have embarked on a new, nationwide lifestyle study

Norway seeks to reduce premature mortality from non-communicable diseases among the general population by 33% by 2030. Data from a new study will enable the Norwegian national health service to monitor the development of these diseases, specifically cancer, chronic respiratory diseases, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.


Smoking vs. diabetes - more in common than expected

After taking part in a tobacco research conference, Meghan Bradway realised the researchers had a lot in common.


Meghan goes to tobacco research conference

Our research scholar Meghan Bradway is invited to participate in an Oslo conference within a whole new field for her: Smoking cessation.


Great interest in EHiN research 2019

More than 40 e-health researchers have submitted their paper for the research track at EHiN, presented by Scandinavian Conference on Health Informatics. The conference will take place in Oslo in November.


SENSE-GARDEN - reconnecting through sensing

Life is full of surprises. But one thing is for sure: many of us will live longer than our ancestors. And because of old age, more of us will develop dementia. But SENSE-GARDEN may connect people through music, video, photos and smells.


Vellykket nettverksmøte i Oslo

I nettverket for digital legemiddelhåndtering delte de masse gode ideer da de møttes i Oslo i mai.


Meet future Alva - sharing health data across borders

Imagine a world where you and healthcare professionals can use and share your health data for your best, regardless of the country.

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