
ICT, risk and emergency procedures

You will hear about the Norwegian Board of Health Supervision's mapping of risk assessments, emergency procedures and improvement work in 17 hospitals.

ICT, risk and emergency procedures
When we don't have access to important patient information, the risk of patient harm increases.

How do healthcare professionals gain access to pharmaceutical information in hospitals' medical record systems when the information exists in different systems? A survey of risk assessments, emergency routines and improvement work in 17 hospitals.

Presentation by Senior Advisor Ivar Terje Solberg of the Norwegian Board of Health Supervision. He has prepared the report together with his colleagues Bente Nedrebø and Lars Talstad.

All have solid experience from several organisations before joining the Norwegian Board of Health Supervision. Solberg has extensive experience from ICT roles in the former Statoil and Helse Stavanger. Nedrebø has a background from Helse Bergen, Helse Vest ICT and Nasjonal IKT, while Talstad has worked at St Olavs hospital, HEMIT and Helseplattformen.

Together they have carried out a survey of critical systems, risk assessments and emergency procedures for ICT systems at 17 hospitals. They investigated the extent to which the organisations are prepared to handle situations where clinical ICT systems are not available. Patient injuries can occur when we do not have access to information about medicines, allergies and courses of treatment.

The report was published in April 2021 and can be read here.
