
Mobilizing research partners in AI Democratization for All

The Norwegian Centre for E-health Research is hosting an event for everyone who is interested in implementing artificial intelligence and would like to apply for the AI Billion.

Anne Torill Nordsletta
Anne Torill Nordsletta runs the department that is hosting this seminar.

At the seminar, we want to gather ideas and needs, as well as get in touch with research and collaboration partners. When you register, please let us know if you would like to present your idea or need.

About AI Democratisation for All

The Norwegian government is increasing research efforts in artificial intelligence and digital technologies by at least NOK 1 billion over the next five years. In 2024, up to NOK 850 million will be allocated for four to six AI centres.

At a time when AI is becoming increasingly common, it is crucial to ensure equal access for all. Today, it is mainly large technology companies and wealthy research groups that have access to advanced AI tools, which creates restrictions on who can develop and use AI.

To address this, we propose to establish AI Democratization for All (AIDEA), an AI centre that promotes equitable access to AI and sustainable development in Norway.

AIDEA aims to promote robustness in AI systems by creating an environment characterised by autonomy, broad involvement, and the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable). By democratising AI development, we hope to share technological benefits, increase the quality and resilience of AI systems, and promote understanding of practical use cases.

AIDEA will

  • establish democratic access to AI technology. That is, the democratisation of development, use, profit, and governance.
  • Promote ethical and privacy-friendly AI applications by encouraging wider participation and sustainable business models.
  • exploring the societal implications.

We need you!

We aim to bring together a diverse group of experts and stakeholders to ensure a sustainable and equitable development of AI in Norway.

We are looking for partners from different sectors, including research and academic institutions, municipalities, healthcare providers, technology companies and enterprises, as well as start-ups. We also want partners with expertise in data science, interoperability and standardisation, security and privacy, AI ethics and law, governance, social sciences, and humanities. We are also looking for international AI partners from the Nordics, EU and globally.