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A new medical record will make it easier to be a doctor

- The medical record system of the future will find guidelines and provide support for decisions, remind the doctor about all the considerations she should make, and which laws and regulations apply to different cases, according to a researcher.


Ny tjeneste for å velge behandling

Helsedirektoratet: Nå er den første nasjonale digitale tjenesten for samvalg mellom pasient og lege klar til bruk på helsenorge.no. Slik blir det enklere for pasienter med prostatakreft å finne best behandling ut fra egen livssituasjon.


Official Opening of the Norwegian Centre for E-health Research

The Norwegian Centre for E-health Research was established on 1 January 2016, and today we celebrate the official opening with the Minister of Health and Care Services, Bent Høie.


New visual profile

Together with Tank Design Tromsø, the Norwegian Centre for E-health Research have developed a new and fresh visual profile. The logo is the centre of attention - a strong and playful E - that symbolises the purpose of the centre: gather, produce and disseminate knowledge on e-health.


How young people with disorders become more independent

Tablets and smartphones help children and young people with disorders to become more independent.


E-health Research hosts the European Telemedicine Conference 2016

Norwegian Centre for E-health Research hosts the European Telemedicine Conference in collaboration with EHIN Future Health in Oslo 15-16 November.


New director at the Norwegian centre for e-health research

He has research algorithm based medical technologies. Now he will help the authorities make good million investments in Health-ICT. Stein Olav Skrøvseth (38) is employed as director for the Norwegian centre for e-health research.


Home visits with iPad

- Hi, Erna, it's good to see you again! How's the shoulder? Can you show me how far you can stretch your arm? Can the nurse lift the iPad so i can see better?


Runny nose? Ill? Try Erdusyk.no

In an instant, Erdusyk.no can tell you the reason your nose is running and your stomach aches. The search engine compares symptoms to diseases where you live*. Now we need your help to develop the system further.


Optimal care?

Imagine you are 75 and have five life threatening disorders. You need to regularly visit five different specialists for controls. None of these specialists talk to each other. You take 20 pills a day that make you nauseous and unwell, and they often come up again as fast as they went down. And a third of the time the medicines are without effect.

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