
Effects of digital health services for citizens


As a consequence of recent health policies, digital health services for citizens have being developed and implemented on a national scale. The strategy for digital health services ranges from the electronic booking of appointments to the use of digital tools in the treatment process and e-consultations as alternative to in-office visits at the general practitioner’s office or the outpatient clinic. Such services aim to create value for citizens, health services and society, including increased efficiency, better quality and patient safety. The availability of health care is a key element of quality. This project, which is a continuation of a project conducted in 2016-2017, focuses on the evaluation of the effects of two services, the digital dialog with the general practitioner (including e-consultation, electronic contact with the general practitioner’s office, electronic booking, electronic prescription renewal) and patient accessible electronic health record.


The overall goal is to ensure that digital health services for citizens provide better health care. Specific objectives of the project are: improved knowledge regarding the effects of digital health services; knowledge to reduce the risk of adverse effects; systematic knowledge as the basis for decisions and realization of the positive effects of the services.


The evaluation of the digital dialog with the general practitioner and patient accessible electronic health record involves the use of both quantitative and qualitative methods. Data from administrative registries and log data from website will be used to evaluate usage patterns of the services. Experiences and changes in behavior for both patients and health professionals will be documented using online surveys and qualitative interviews.