
WHO collaborating centre

In 2002, The Norwegian Centre for E-health Research became the first World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centre for Digital Health and Telemedicine designated by the WHO Regional Office for Europe. This collaboration, outlined in Terms of Reference, encompasses country work, research and dissemination, advisory and resource mobilization.

Norwegian Centre for E-health Research is one of over 800 collaborating centres in 80 countries and play a crucial role supporting WHO's global health mandate and priorites. More information on WHO collaborating centres.

The Terms of Reference indicate the broad areas of activities undertaken by our centre, with a two-year workplan agreed upon by both parties. Activities are subject to review, and adjustments are made in response to new situations and member states' request, requiring approval from both parties. The Terms of Reference were last revised in 2022.

Terms of reference:

1. Inform WHO’s work on the development of technical guidance for digital health
2. Support WHO’s activities towards strengthening capacity building for digital health in support of WHO's priorities
3. Support WHO's efforts towards enhancing technical cooperation among, as well as awareness raising and advocacy within, regional digital health stakeholders.


1. Health systems research & development
2. Informatics and Telemedicine
3. Health Technology (including laboratory services; but excluding blood safety)

Types of activity:

1. Providing technical advice to WHO
2. Development and application of appropriate technology
3. Research

Young and mental health - a film collaboration with WHO Europe

Young and mental health - a film by WHO (2021) from Ehealth Research on Vimeo.