
Eli Kristiansen


Eli Kristiansen splits her time 75/25 between studying for her PhD and acting as a senior adviser. She has been working at the Centre since March 2014. Her primary areas of interest are digital consultations with general practictioners and insights into patient records for specialist healthcare services. Eli graduated from NHH Norwegian School of Economics in 2011 with a degree in civil economics, specialising in socioeconomics.

Eli's projects
Project title Year Theme Project management
European Telemedicine Conference 2016 2016 - 2016 Services for health professionals
Eli Kristiansen
Zero point measurement related to «One Citizen-One Record» 2017 - 2017 Patient pathways
Gunn Hilde Rotvold
Møteplass for e-helsemiljøene på EHiN 2017 - 2017 Services for health professionals
Eli Kristiansen
Innsyn i journal 2019 - 2021 Citizen services
Eli Kristiansen
Samisk innsyn - Bruk og opplevelse av elektronisk kommunikasjon i psykisk helsevern for samisk befolkning 2020 - 2020 Innbyggertjenester
Eli Kristiansen Asbjørn Johansen Fagerlund
Psykisk innsyn - Innsyn i journal for pasienter i psykisk helsevern 2020 - 2022 Innbyggertjenester
Paolo Zanaboni Eli Kristiansen
E-konsultasjoner 2020 - 2022 Eli Kristiansen Paolo Zanaboni
Avstandsoppfølging i spesialisthelsetjenesten - Videokonsultasjoner i psykisk helsevern ved Finnmarkssykehuset  2020 - 2020 Monika Knudsen Gullslett
Videokonsultasjoner i psykisk helsevern under Covid-19 2020 - 2021 Services for health professionals
Monika Knudsen Gullslett
E-konsultasjon og sykemelding 2020 - 2021 Innbyggertjenester
Eli Kristiansen
NORDeHEALTH – Nordic eHealth for Patients: Benchmarking and Developing for the Future 2021 - 2023 Innbyggertjenester
Monika Johansen Asbjørn Johansen Fagerlund
The large-scale implementation of e-consultations with the GP: a mixed-methods evaluation of the impact on health system, GPs and patients 2022 - 2027 Citizen services
Services for health professionals
Paolo Zanaboni
Evaluering av sykmelding over e-konsultasjoner 2023 - 2026 Trine Strand Bergmo
Eli's publications in Cristin
Title Year Category
Patients' experiences with receiving sick leave certificates via remote consultations in Norway during the COVID-19 pandemic: a nationwide online survey 2024 Academic article
NORDeHEALTH – Learning from the Nordic Experiences of Patient Online Record Access 2024 Academic article
Primary care gatekeeping during the Covid-19 pandemic: a survey of 1234 Norwegian regular GPs 2023 Academic article
Bedre kvalitet i e-konsultasjoner 2023 Digital learning tools
Benchmarking usability of patient portals in Estonia, Finland, Norway, and Sweden 2023 Academic article
Suitability of issuing sickness certifications in remote consultations during the COVID-19 pandemic. A mixed method study of GPs’ experiences 2023 Academic article
How can user experience give insights of non-use? Older users’ experience of access to and use of e-consultations with the general practitioner 2023 Academic lecture
Funn fra forskning om tekstbaserte e-konsultasjoner i Helsenorge 2023 Academic lecture
Low Adoption of Video Consultations in Post-COVID-19 General Practice in Northern Europe: Barriers to Use and Potential Action Points 2023 Academic article
Users' Experiences With Online Access to Electronic Health Records in Mental and Somatic Health Care: Cross-Sectional Study 2023 Academic article
The NORDeHEALTH 2022 Patient Survey: Cross-Sectional Study of National Patient Portal Users in Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Estonia 2023 Academic article
Pasientenes erfaringer med tekstbaserte e-konsultasjoner 2023 Academic lecture
Eldre setter pris på å kunne sende meldinger rett til legen 2023 Interview
Older patients' experiences of access to and use of e-consultations with the general practitioner in Norway: an interview study 2023 Academic article
Patients’ online access to psychiatric records: Providers’ experiences 2022 Abstract
How do older patients access and use text-based e-consultations with the general practitioner? 2022 Poster
E-konsultasjoner hos fastlegen 2022 Academic lecture
Impact on patient-provider relationship and documentation practices when mental health patients access their electronic health records online: a qualitative study among health professionals in an outpatient setting 2022 Academic article
A multilevel perspective on digital consultations in general practice. Symposium. 2022 Academic lecture
Workshop 2022 Academic lecture
A multilevel perspective on digital consultations in general practice 2022 Academic lecture
Elektronisk innsyn i journal hjelper samer i møte med psykisk helsevern 2022 Interview
Experiences from using patient accessible electronic health records -a qualitative study within Sámi mental health patients in Norway 2022 Academic article
Videokonsultasjoner 2021 Lecture
Møt legen på video 2021 Interview
Videokonsultasjoner med fastlegen under pandemien 2021 Lecture
E-konsultasjon og sykmelding: Undersøkelse av erfaringer med unntak fra krav til personlig fremmøte under covid-19-pandemien 2021 Lecture
Under pandemien: Pasienter fornøyde med å få sykmelding uten fysisk oppmøte 2021 Interview
Lege advarer etter e-konsultasjon-studie: – Som å sammenligne epler og pærer 2021 Interview
E-konsultasjon og sykmelding - Undersøkelse av erfaringer med unntak fra krav til personlig fremmøte under covid-19-pandemien 2021 Report
Therapists’ experience of video consultation in specialized mental health services during the COVID-19 pandemic: Qualitative interview study 2021 Academic article
Norske erfaringer med videokonsultasjoner med fastlegen under pandemien 2021 Academic lecture
E-konsultasjon og andre digitale tjenester med fastlegen: erfaringer og effekter for pasienter og helsetjenesten 2021 Academic lecture
Elektronisk innsyn i journal for pasienter i psykisk helsevern: Helsepersonells erfaringer 2021 Academic article
Videokonsultasjoner på fastlegekontoret under pandemien 2021 Academic lecture
In half of the cases, a video meeting with the doctor was as good as meeting in person 2021 Interview
Videomøte med fastlegen var i halvparten av tilfellene like bra som time på legekontoret 2021 Interview
Suitability of Video Consultations During the COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown: Cross-sectional Survey Among Norwegian General Practitioners 2021 Academic article
Samisk innsyn i pasientjournal 2020 Academic lecture
Effekt av korona: Fastlegen går digitalt 2020 Interview
Podcast - Fastlegen går digitalt! 2020 Interview
Coronavirus made the GP go digital 2020 Interview
Triage i fastlegeordningen - en hurtig forskningsoppsummering 2019 Report
Healthcare personnels’ experience with patients’ online access to electronic health records: Differences between professions, regions, and somatic and psychiatric healthcare. 2019 Academic article
Triage i fastlegeordningen - Kunnskapsbasert empiri - foreløpige resultater 2019 Academic lecture
Responstjenester for trygghetsskapende teknologier 2019 Report
Samhandling og informasjonsutveksling - Beskrivelse av tidsbruk og arbeidsoppgaver blant fastleger 2018 Report
Effektmål for implementeringen av Helseplattformen, en pre-post studie 2017 Poster
Eli's project reports
Report no. Title Author(s)
2021 03 E-konsultasjon og sykmelding Eli Kristiansen, Elin Breivik, Trine Strand Bergmo, Monika Johansen, Paolo Zanaboni
2019 06 Triage i fastlegeordningen Eli Kristiansen, Torbjørn Torsvik, Karianne Lind
2019 03 Responstjenester for trygghetsskapende teknologier Eli Kristiansen, Gunn Hilde Rotvold, Inger Marie Holm
2018 05 Samhandling og informasjonsutveksling Kristian Malm-Nicolaisen, Line Silsand, Gunn Hilde Rotvold, Gro-Hilde Severinsen, Eli Kristiansen, Trine Strand Bergmo, Rune Pedersen, Inger Marie Holm, Halgeir Holthe
Eli's posters
Poster no. Title Author(s) Size
2017 09 Effektmål for implementeringen av Helseplattformen, en pre-post studie Rune Pedersen, Kristian Malm-Nicolaisen, Gunn Hilde Rotvold, Eli Kristiansen, Johan Gustav Bellika A0