
Truls Tunby Kristiansen


Truls Tunby Kristiansen earned his doctorate in sociology at UiT The Arctic University of Norway in 2017. As a researcher in e-health, he is interested in why some institutional changes succeed while others fail. Kristiansen has a background as a researcher regarding insitutional changes following the terrorist attack in Oslo and Utøya on July 22, 2011.

Truls's projects
Project title Year Theme Project management
Introduction and use of e-prescription and summary care record: National solutions in local practices in primary and specialist health services 2017 - 2021 Services for health professionals
Kari Dyb
The Nordic E-health Model 2020 - 2023 Citizen services
Truls Tunby Kristiansen
Integrated healthcare and care through distance-spanning solutions (iHAC) 2021 - 2024 Innbyggertjenester
Tjenester for helsepersonell
Siri Bjørvig
Truls's publications in Cristin
Title Year Category
Digital health, (in)equality and paradox 2023 Academic lecture
Integrated Healthcare and Care through distance spanning solutions – for increased service accessibility 2022 Report
Challenges in Obtaining and Sharing Core Patient Information in Norwegian Nursing Homes and Home Care Services: A Qualitative Study of Nurses’ and Doctors’ Experiences 2022 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Helsefellesskap - høring og rasjonalitetskonflikt​ 2021 Academic lecture
Kunstig intelligens i helsetjenesten – en stille revolusjon? 2021 Feature article
Helsepersonell sliter med å få tak i informasjon om hvilke legemidler pasientene deres bruker 2021 Interview
Challenges Faced by Health Professionals in Obtaining Correct Medication Information in the Absence of a Shared Digital Medication List 2021 Academic article
State of the Nordic Region 2020: Wellbeing, health and digitalisation edition 2020 Report
Innføring av Pasientens legemiddelliste i kommunehelsetjenesten. - Status, erfaringer og utfordringer 2020 Lecture
The Nordic E-health Model 2020 Academic lecture
Samskaping i digitalisering av norsk helse- og omsorgssektor: kollektive handlingsproblemer og motivasjon i en offentlig høring 2020 Academic lecture
The Sociological Observation of Society as a Whole 2020 Academic article
Koronakrisen skaper solidaritet -kan sosiologien forklare hvordan? 2020 Reader opinion piece
Det norske samfunnet som handlingsdyktig fellesskap - Svikt og endring etter 22. juli-terroren 2017 Doctoral dissertation
Individuell frihet og kollektiv selvbegrensning 2016 Academic article
Institutional change through rational collective action 2014 Academic lecture
Norwegian society must be defended - The aftermath of the 22.July attack: A case study of institutional change in the Norwegian model 2013 Academic lecture
Legal status and regulation of CAM in Europe Part II - Herbal and homeopathic medicinal products 2013 Report
Det norske samfunns sosiologiske refleksjon: en empirisk analyse av ulike teoretiske tilnærminger til forholdet mellom samfunnsdel og samfunnshelhet i norsk sosiologi 2008 Masters thesis