
E-medicine management

Electronic medicine management is introduced into the health services, and we must research the effects. We do this together with researchers throughout Norway.

We have established a "Research Network for E-medicine Management". The network's goal is to strengthen multidisciplinary research nationally, and to gather and disseminate information to the research communities that follow the development. We believe that by collaborating and sharing knowledge we can achieve more than each of us.

Everyone who wants to join the network is most welcome. Please contact Monika Johansen, see the link to the right.

E-medicine management

Closed pharmaceutical loop in Helse Vest - More than technology

In addition to technology, what do you need to close the pharmaceutical loop?


Serious and fatal medication errors in hospitals

What can hospitals do about medication errors?


Multidose gjer det mogleg med betre samarbeid om medisinar


We need to improve medication management

We invite you to send us your paper on digital medication management, to improve the quality of care for patients.


Legene bruker fortsatt faks. Nå må de over på e-resept for alle medisiner

Legene skriver fortsatt ut listen med medisiner på papir og sender på faks til apoteket. Nå blir det slutt på faks også for multidosene.


Våre forskere er intervjuet i Farmatid

Flere av våre forskere har blitt intervjuet til en sak om digitalisering i helsesektoren. Reportasjen stod på trykk i Farmatid (Norsk Farmaceutisk Tidsskrift) 12. april 2020.


E-helsedagen 2020

Direktoratet for e-helse har publisert rapporten "Utviklingstrekk 2020, drivere og trender for e-helseutviklingen" med nye tall for e-helse i Norge.


Mer forskning på digitalt legemiddelområde

Professor Anne Gerd Granås fra Farmasøytisk institutt på Universitetet i Oslo gleder seg til å samarbeide med Nasjonalt senter for e-helseforskning. I fjor høst startet hun i en bistilling hos oss.


A shared medication list will be tested in Norway

The shared medication list is a new electronic overview that health professionals in Norway will be testing out in 2020. What do the authorities want with the new system? What does research say about the usefulness of such medication lists?


E-prescribing does not prevent medication errors

Despite the fact that almost all doctors use e-prescriptions, patients are still harmed by medication errors, and at least a thousand die each year. Senior researcher Kari Dyb at the Norwegian Centre for E-health Research studies the consequences of new technology in the health services.


Vellykket nettverksmøte i Oslo

I nettverket for digital legemiddelhåndtering delte de masse gode ideer da de møttes i Oslo i mai.

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