
E-medicine management

Electronic medicine management is introduced into the health services, and we must research the effects. We do this together with researchers throughout Norway.

We have established a "Research Network for E-medicine Management". The network's goal is to strengthen multidisciplinary research nationally, and to gather and disseminate information to the research communities that follow the development. We believe that by collaborating and sharing knowledge we can achieve more than each of us.

Everyone who wants to join the network is most welcome. Please contact Monika Johansen, see the link to the right.

E-medicine management

Nasjonalt forskernettverk for digital legemiddelhåndtering

Digital legemiddelhåndtering innføres i helsetjenesten, og vi må forske på effektene. Det vil vi gjøre sammen med forskere i hele Norge.


Safety first with e-medicine management

The goal is to make patient care safer and more effective, say researchers at the Norwegian Centre for E-health Research. They are looking at how medicine management is performed today and at the national e-solutions, to see how they could be improved.
