
E-medicine management: Projects

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List of projects
Project title Year Focus area Project management
Improved use of the core health record, what discourage and what encourage the use of e-health? 2016 - 2017 Patient pathways
Kari Dyb
Medication, Integration and quality control 2015 - 2021 Health data
Gunnar Ellingsen
Evaluation of the Electronic Multidose Drug Dispensing pilot in Rogaland County 2014-2016 2016 - 2017 Pasientforløp
Trine Strand Bergmo
Evaluation of Electronic Multidose Drug Dispencing (eMD) 2017-2021 2018 - 2023 Services for health professionals
Trine Strand Bergmo
Strukturert journal 2017 - 2018 Patient pathways
Health data
Kristian Malm-Nicolaisen
Lukket legemiddelsløyfe 2017 - 2018
Introduction and use of e-prescription and summary care record: National solutions in local practices in primary and specialist health services 2017 - 2021 Services for health professionals
Kari Dyb
The patients medication list and summary care record in nursing homes and home based care 2018 - 2025 Tjenester for helsepersonell
Unn Manskow
eMM - Electronic Medicines Management 2021 - 2025 Services for health professionals
Kari Dyb
Gravitate Health 2020 - 2025 Services for health professionals
Anne Moen Monika Johansen

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