
Modernization of electronic patient record: Projects

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List of projects
Project title Year Focus area Project management
Strukturert journal 2017 - 2018 Patient pathways
Health data
Kristian Malm-Nicolaisen
Lukket legemiddelsløyfe 2017 - 2018
Helseplattformen: felles klinisk kunnskapsstøtte 2018 - 2018 Pasientforløp
Collaboration and exchange of information - Mapping of GPs time use and routines 2018 - 2018 Patient pathways
Helseplattformen: implementering av Epic i Midt-Norge 2018 - 2019 Gunnar Ellingsen
Dignity Care: Person-centered care supported by digital tools 2020 - 2026 Citizen services
Gro Berntsen

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