
Patient-centered services

Patients, authorities and employees in the health sector believe that a radical reorganization of health services is needed for patients with long-term and complex needs. It is not one patient group, but consists of people with completely different diagnoses and needs. It is common that they need a lot of assistance from the health service, and from different parts of the health service. They often have chronic diseases, but it does not have to be just that. This often also applies to:

  • Vulnerable children and young people
  • People with mental illness
  • Fragile elderly
  • People with multiple chronic conditions

These types of recipients of health services are not many in number, but have great needs. They often have to go through multiple instances to get help, and also experience becoming so-called "revolving door patients" - who are admitted again and again, without receiving better help. This is partly due to the fact that the various services of the health care system do not interact as well with each other. When patients have several diagnoses, there are gaps and interruptions in the treatment, and it is not coordinated: not between the service levels nor inside the hospital. Patients with multiple diagnoses and complex needs may risk ending up as "hot potatoes" in the health care system. Sometimes they also have to coordinate their received services themselves.

The use of ICT tools for better interaction between patients and health professionals is central to achieving a better range of services for these vulnerable patients.

The Norwegian Centre for E-health Research is involved in the project 3P - Patients and professionals in partnership. The goal is a patient-centered health service (PSHT). The project aims to understand the prerequisites for the development of a "comprehensive health care system", which provides better health, better patient experiences and reduced costs.

Patient-centered services

Digital remote care in real life - Larvik municipality shares their experiences

How does a municipality transition from a digital home follow-up project to regular operations? Larvik municipality describes how they are organised, interact with relevant stakeholders and provide services.


Un-shoveled driveways at patients' houses reveal gaps in the care system

Research will examine how an interdisciplinary approach can provide patients with better support and quality of life.


Leserinnlegg: Sammen kan vi få til det meste

Du har sikkert hørt politikere og ledere innen helsetjenestene snakke om mangel på penger og personell, om eldrebølgen og at det blir for få yrkesaktive i kommunene og i sykehusene framover.


Personfokusert behandling hjelper skrøpelige eldre

Individfokusert tverrfaglig behandling reduserer antallet akuttinnleggelser og reinnleggelser samt reduserer risikoen for dødsfall, viser studie.


Delingskultur gir gode dager

Når sykepleier Anne Langfeldt og de øvrige ansatte går på jobb i Risørs hjemmetjeneste, handler det om å gi både seg selv, sine kollegaer og sine pasienter en god hverdag. I sentrum for det hele: er en elektronisk arbeidsliste og enkel deling av oppgaver.


3P: Sluttkonferanse 2. desember

På sluttkonferansen til 3P - Pasienter og profesjonelle i partnerskap kan du få vite mer om resultater, metoder og veien videre for prosjektet. Deltakelse kan gjøres både fysisk og digitalt, påmelding er ennå mulig.


Health workers got the hang of video during corona situation

Health workers in Norway experienced that video meetings worked well in communication with both patients and partners. But there were some bumps in the road.


Helseministeren roser PSHT-resultatene

Helseminister Bent Høie trakk frem de oppsiktsvekkende resultatene til Pasientsentrert helseteam (PSHT) under sin årlige sykehustale.


Livsviktig med riktig organisering av helsetjenester

43 prosent flere pasienter overlevde, når de fikk godt organiserte helsetjenester gjennom Pasientsentrerte helsetjenesteteam. Dette gjør sterkt inntrykk på helseminister Bent Høie.


Mortality decreased among sick elderly patients after better coordination

When health workers coordinated a person-centred and integrated health service around individuals, mortality among elderly, multi-morbid patients decreased by 43 per cent. For the most frail, ordinary health and care services can be life-threatening.


Flytter helsetjenesten ut til pasienten

Odsherred kommune leder nå utviklingen av et helt nytt helsesystem for pasienter med kroniske diagnoser. Velkommen til NærKlinikken!

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