
Advanced Secure Cloud Encrypted Platform for Internationally Orchestrated Solutions (ASCLEPIOS)


The vision of ASCLEPIOS is to maximize and fortify users' trust of cloud-based healthcare services by developing mechanisms for protecting both corporate and personal sensitive data. While researchers have developed many theoretical models that could enhance the security level of healthcare services, only a rudimentary set of techniques are currently in use. ASCLEPIOS is exploiting this gap by using by utilizing several modern cryptographic approaches to build a cloud-based e-health framework that protects users’ privacy and prevents both internal and external attacks.

ASCLEPIOS offers the ability for users to verify the integrity of their medical devices before receiving them, while receiving simultaneously certain guarantees about the trustworthiness of their cloud service provider. Furthermore, ASCLEPIOS offers a novel solution through which healthcare practitioners and medical researchers are able to calculate statistics on medical data in a privacy-preserving way. Finally, various activities will be organized by the project to raise awareness in the healthcare industry. All these results will be shown by three demonstrations provided by ASCLEPIOS healthcare partners, involving three leading European hospital.


The project has the following research and technological objectives:

  1. Explore the possibility of combining Symmetric Searchable Encryption and Attribute-Based Encryption to enable using both encryption schemes in the most efficient way in order to store and process medical data.
  2. Enable effective user access revocation approaches that do not affect other users or the overall functionality of the service.
  3. Develop protocols that allow healthcare practitioners, researchers and patients to share data securely and in a privacy-preserving way.
  4. Design and implement mechanisms allowing users of e-health services to verify the integrity and trustworthiness of the overall system, including medical devices.
  5. Enable healthcare professionals to generate analytics and statistical measurements in a privacy-preserving way.
  6. Raise awareness about security among healthcare professional.
  7. Showcase the technical results of the project in three healthcare demonstrations.