

It becomes easier for patients to get in touch with healthcare professionals when they can use video, chat services and email. GPs, psychologists, municipal health services and hospitals all offer digital communication services.

We do research on the digital health services and acquire knowledge about the conditions that must be present before developing the services and the context in which they are developed. While the services are being trialled, we will look at what inhibits or promotes their use. We also study the effects and consequences of the services when they are utilised.


Health workers got the hang of video during corona situation

Health workers in Norway experienced that video meetings worked well in communication with both patients and partners. But there were some bumps in the road.


Effekt av korona: Fastlegen går digitalt

PODCAST: På grunn av koronakrisen har forskere sett en fantastisk økning i digitale konsultasjoner hos fastlegene. I denne podcasten møter du e-helseforsker Eli Kristiansen som forteller om de siste månedenes utvikling.


Digital kommunikasjon i helsetjenesten – noen studier

Det finnes mye kunnskap om bruk av kommunikasjonsteknologi i oppfølging og behandling av pasienter. Nasjonalt senter for e-helseforskning har forsket på bruk av video og annen digital kommunikasjon i helsetjenesten i over tjue år.


Covid: How to start video consults

The Norwegian Directorate for eHealth recommends to use a video solution that already is in use in the health sector.


E-konsultasjon og triage hos fastlege

En ny rapport om e-konsultasjon og triage hos fastlege er nå klar. Den er utarbeidet av Helsedirektoratet og Direktoratet for e-helse og inneholder også bidrag fra våre medarbeidere.


Online contact with the doctor's office shortens the patient que

Fewer patients have to wait in the telephone queue and at the doctor's office, as more people book their consultation and renew their prescriptions online.


Video works best when it is adapted

The patients' needs determine whether video use in hospital treatment is sustainable. Sometimes it is easier to make a phone call than talk to the doctor on video, research shows.


Acute psychiatric help via video conference

The psychiatrist in Tromsø can talk to the patient as well as health professionals, even if the specialist is miles away.
