
Anne Gerd Granås


Anne Gerd Granås is a professor at the Department of Pharmacy, University of Oslo and Professor II at the National centre for e-health research (NSE) in Tromsø. At NSE, she has played a key role in establishing the network and webinars on “Digitalisation of Medicines Managmement”.

Granås has published a number of studies on patient safety and medicines, multidisciplinary intervention to identify and resolve drug-related problems in various health settings, and on the pharmacists’ role in professional services. She has a specific interest in patients' understanding and management of their illnesses and medicines, and enjoys combining quantitative and qualitative methods to address patient safety issues, in particular in the elderly population, in diabetes, and anticoagulant therapy. She has also collaborated with medical doctors to translate the prescribing support tools “STOPP/START criteria” and “STOPPFrail”.

She is editor of the first Norwegian textbook in Social Pharmacy / Pharmacy Practice (“Samfunnsfarmasi”) (2010). She has particular insight in the history of pharmacy, the role of pharmacists in health care, and of patient adherence to treatment. Since 2017 she has been the editor for pharmacy headwords at the online Great Norwegian Encyclopedia, www.snl.no.

She has produced e-learning lectures to health care students via podcast lectures. Through national and international collaboration, she has designed and implemented eLearning courses for health care students, and lately worldwide on the Coursera platform.

She was previously a general committee member for ESCP (European Society of Clinical Pharmacy) (2011-2017), head of the Organising Committee for ESCP Symposium i Oslo (2016), scientific editorial board member of Norsk Farmasøytisk Tidsskrift (2008-2012), scientific member of Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services (2010 – 2016), and a number of board responsibilities within hospital pharmacy and pharmacy education (2000-d-d), including Vice chairperson of EPSA (European Pharmaceutical Students’ Association) (1994-95).

Granås received her MSc in Pharmacy from the University of Oslo in 1995, and PhD in Clinical Pharmacy from the School of Pharmacy at the University of London in 2000. She had been Fulbright scholar (2017/18) and guest lecturer at the Paris Descartes University, France (2016). She received the award “Pharmacist of the Year 2019” from The Norwegian Association of Pharmacists.

Anne Gerd's projects
Project title Year Theme Project management
Evaluation of Electronic Multidose Drug Dispencing (eMD) 2017-2021 2018 - 2023 Services for health professionals
Trine Strand Bergmo
The patients medication list and summary care record in nursing homes and home based care 2018 - 2025 Tjenester for helsepersonell
Unn Manskow
Gravitate Health 2020 - 2025 Services for health professionals
Anne Moen Monika Johansen
Anne Gerd's publications in Cristin
Title Year Category
New digital technologies in the pharmacy setting to advance patient outcomes and the role of the pharmacist. 2023 Lecture
Human factor's role in medication errors: Diluting intravenous medications at hospital wards – a study based on incident reports. 2023 Poster
Human factor's role in medication errors: Diluting intravenous medications at hospital wards -a study based on incident reports 2023 Poster
Feilmedisinering tar liv. Hva kan gjøres? 2023 Feature article
A Trial-Based Cost-Utility Analysis of a Medication Optimization Intervention Versus Standard Care in Older Adults 2023 Academic article
Farmasihistorier - digitale opptak og formidling av nyere norsk farmasihistorie 2023 Poster
Farmasihistorier 2023 Lecture
Farmasihistorier, presentasjon av et farmasihistorisk prosjekt 2023 Lecture
Tre år med digital kunnskapsdeling om legemiddelhåndtering 2023 Feature article
Støtte til fallforebygging hos eldre 2023 Article in business/trade/industry journal
Is anticholinergic and sedative drug burden associated with postdischarge institutionalization in community-dwelling older patients acutely admitted to hospital? A Norwegian registry-based study 2022 Academic article
Multidose drug dispensing in home care services: Impact of a shared medication list on medication safety 2022 Doctoral dissertation
Patient’s experiences with multidose drug dispensing – a qualitative study 2022 Poster
From paper-based to electronic prescribing of multidose drug dispensing — a longitudional study of prescription changes. 2022 Academic lecture
Funkis & Formalin - Farmasibygningen på Bindern 2022 Popular scientific book
INN. OPP. OG UT. Poetisk og musikalsk fremføring av et dikt som omhandler minner fra studietiden i Farmasibygningen. 2022 Art exhibition
Health-Related Quality of Life Among Acutely Hospitalized Older Adults 2022 Poster
Healthcare Utilization and Costs Among Acutely Hospitalized Older Adults 2022 Poster
Patient-Centered Communication and Counseling to Ensure Patient Safety Through Correct Use of Medicines: Experiences and Challenges 2022 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Detecting Medication Errors and Adverse Drug Events: A Review of Current Methodologies 2022 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Multidose Drug Dispensing in Primary Care: A Review of the Literature 2022 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kunnskapsgrunnlag for digitalisering av legemiddelområdetKunnskapsnotat til Direktoratet for e-helses områdeplan for digitalisering av legemiddelområdet 2022 Report
Reimbursed medication adherence enhancing interventions in 12 european countries: Current state of the art and future challenges 2022 Academic literature review
Reimbursed Medication Adherence Enhancing Interventions in European Countries: Results of the EUREcA Study 2022 Academic article
STOPPFrail-2. Screeningverktøy for potensielt uhensiktsmessig legemiddelbruk til skrøpelige eldre med begrenset gjenstående levetid 2022 Article in business/trade/industry journal
Avmedisinering i siste leveår – praktisk beslutningsstøtte 2022 Article in business/trade/industry journal
Avmedisinering i siste leveår – praktisk beslutningsstøtte 2022 Article in business/trade/industry journal
Ingen skal dø av feilmedisinering 2021 Academic lecture
Implementation of a shared medication list in primary care - a controlled pre-post study of medication discrepancies 2021 Academic article
Barcode medication administration technology use in hospital practice: a mixed-methods observational study of policy deviations 2021 Academic article
Medication dose calculation errors and other numeracy mishaps in hospitals: Analysis of the nature and enablers of incident reports 2021 Academic article
The Practice Guidelines for Multidose Drug Dispensing Need Revision—An Investigation of Prescription Problems and Interventions 2021 Academic article
Patient Perspectives on Medications: Qualitative Interviews. Online Coursera course. 2021 Digital learning tools
The impact of pharmacists on drug-related problems in nursing homes 2020 Poster
Understanding Patient Perspectives on Medications. Online course, Coursera. 2020 Digital learning tools
Potentially inappropriate prescribing to older patients receiving multidose drug dispensing 2020 Academic article
Severe and fatal medication errors in hospitals: findings from the Norwegian Incident Reporting System 2020 Academic article
2020 Interview
Årets farmasøyt: Nysgjerrig på møtet mellom menneske og medisin 2019 Interview
Anne Gerd Granås er Årets farmasøyt 2019 2019 Interview
Farmasiutdanning i vinden på Universitetet i Oslo 2019 Interview
NRK: Samme feil skjer om og om igjen på norske sykehus. Vi er svært bekymret. 2019 Interview
Legemidler og diabetes. Brukerkurs ved Frisklivssentralen i Ås kommune. 2019 Lecture
When do medicines do more harm than good? -Deprescribing of medicines in elderly patients. 2019 Lecture
Eldre og legemidler – er det så vanskelig da? 2019 Lecture
Uaktuelle og doble resepter i reseptformidleren: Hvem skal «rydde»? 2019 Academic lecture
Moro med media? «Ja, tenke det; ønske det; ville det med; – men gjøre det! Nei; det skjønner jeg ikke.» (Peer, tredje akt.) 2019 Popular scientific lecture
Writing up your PhD thesis – structure, content and enthusiasm. 2019 Lecture
Bruk av "ukjent kunde" i apotekorsknign i primærapotek i verden 2006-2016. 2019 Poster
Medication errors in hospitalized patients in Norway: findings from the National Incident Reporting system. 2019 Poster
Medication errors in hospitalized patients in Norway: findings from the National Incident Reporting system. 2019 Lecture
The use of z-hypnotics in the nursing home patients: a five year longitudinal study. 2019 Poster
Drug use and Drug Burden Index in community-dwelling older adult acutely admitted to hospital 2019 Poster
Prescribing errors on multidose drug dispensing prescriptions 2019 Poster
Interdisciplinary medication review to improve pharmacotherapy for patients with intellectual disabilities 2019 Academic article
A systematic review of the use of simulated patient methodology in pharmacy practice research from 2006 to 2016 2019 Academic literature review
Pharmacist interventions on multidose drug dispensing prescriptions 2019 Academic lecture
Deprescribing = avmedisinering 2018 Article in business/trade/industry journal
Henrik Ibsen: Fremragende forfatter, fraværende farmasøyt 2018 Interview
Clinical Pharmacy Practice and Education Chapter in: Clinical and Social Perspectives on Pharmacy Services 2018 Chapter
Clinical and Social Perspectives on Pharmacy Services 2018 Chapter
Clinical Pharmacy Practice and Education Chapter in: Clinical and Social Perspectives on Pharmacy Services 2018 Textbook
Quality of prescribing for Norwegian elderly patients using automated multidose dispensed drugs 2018 Academic lecture
Samfunnsfarmasi 2018 Textbook
Interdisciplinary systematic medication reviews in housing for people with intellectual disabilities in Norway 2018 Poster
Medication errors associated with customized gentamicin dosing 2018 Poster
Deprescribing = avmedisinering 2018 Article in business/trade/industry journal
Interdisciplinary collaboration across secondary and primary care to improve medication safety in the elderly (IMMENSE study): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial 2018 Academic article
Utilisation and polypharmacy aspects of antiepileptic drugs in elderly versus younger patients with epilepsy: A pharmacoepidemiological study of CNS-active drugs in Norway, 2004-2015 2018 Academic article
Norsk oversettelse av forskrivningsverktøyet STOPPFrail 2017 Article in business/trade/industry journal
Suksess med vaksinering i USAs apotek - hva med Norge? 2017 Feature article
Provision of pharmaceutical care by community pharmacists across Europe: Is it developing and spreading? 2017 Academic article
Tverrprofesjonelle legemiddelgjennomganger i hjemmebaserte tjenester; en utfordring? 2017 Academic article
Norsk oversettelse av forskrivningsverktøyet STOPPFrail 2017 Article in business/trade/industry journal
Medications reviews in patients with mental disabilities 2017 Academic lecture
Legemiddelepikrise fra farmasøyt - følges den opp av fastlege? 2017 Academic article
Prescribing of NOACs has outnumbered warfarin: exploring how physicians choose anticoagulant treatments 2017 Academic article
Elderly users of fall-risk-increasing drug perceptions of fall risk and the relation to their drug use?a qualitative study 2017 Academic article
Medicines and patient safety 2017 Poster
Deprescribing for frail older people – Learning from the case of Mrs. Hansen 2017 Academic article
Nurses' and pharmacists' learning experiences from participating in inter professional medication reviews in elderly in primary health care - a qualitative study 2017 Academic article
Discrepancies between physicians’ prescriptions and patients’ use of antiepileptic drugs 2017 Academic article
Medication review in patients with mental disabilities. 2016 Poster
Nurses' and pharmacists' learning experiences from participating in inter professional medication reviews in primary health care: a qualitative study. 2016 Poster
Less is more? Deprescribing in older polypharmacy patients. 2016 Lecture
Mener farmasøyter må rådgi, ikke selge julegaver 2016 Interview
Svært mange dør av feil medisinbruk. 2016 Interview
Ikke kast papirresepten! 2016 Feature article
Ufullstendige resepter 2016 Feature article
Konkret hjelp til abstractskriving 2016 Interview
Legemiddelgjennomganger hos psykisk utviklingshemmende i Oslo Kommune. Legemiddelrelaterte problemer og tiltak. 2016 Lecture
e-Learning and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2016 Lecture
Legemiddelhåndtering i hjemmesykepleien - rapporterte og observerte avvik 2016 Academic article
Prevalence of Different Combinations of Antiepileptic Drugs and CNS Drugs in Elderly Home Care Service and Nursing Home Patients in Norway 2016 Academic article
Erfaringer med tverrprofesjonelle legemiddelgjennomganger i hjemmebaserte tjenester i Norge 2016 Poster
Experiences with interdisciplinary systematic medication reviews in homecare services in Norway 2016 Poster
'I try not to bother the residents too much' - the use of capillary blood glucose measurements in nursing homes 2016 Academic article
Norwegian translation of START and STOPP 2 2015 Article in business/trade/industry journal
Bedre legemiddelbehandling av eldre 2015 Article in business/trade/industry journal
Social Pharmacy and Clinical Pharamcy - Joining Forces 2015 Academic article
Factors influencing prescribing of fall-risk-increasing drugs to the elderly: A qualitative study 2015 Academic article
Paneldebatt om norskkunnskaper hos farmasøyter. 2015 Lecture
Acquisition of communication skills for pharmacy students: role-play, video and debriefing 2015 Poster
Despite having my teacher’s voice I really believed the avatar was a patient 2015 Poster
Finn fem feil: pasientens legemidler i samhandling mellom sykehus – sykehjem 2015 Lecture
Leger utelater opplysninger om bruksområde på eResepter – en fare for pasientsikkerheten? 2015 Lecture
Hospital pharmacists narrow the gap between health care levels by optimizing discharge letters 2015 Lecture
Drug related problems in patients receiving home care services—a multidisciplinary approach to integrated medicines management 2015 Poster
Interdisciplinary and structured drug reviews in primary health care- health personnel’s perceived value of participation 2015 Academic lecture
Incidence of type 2 diabetes and use of oral antidiabetic drugs in the elderly population in Norway 2015 Abstract
Hjemmeapoteket (podcast) 2015 Website (informational material)
Norsk oversettelse av START 2 og STOPP 2 2015 Short communication
Use of antiepileptic drugs in combination with central nervous system drugs in elderly home care service and nursing home patients in Norway 2015 Abstract
Use of antiepileptic drugs in combination with central nervous system drugs in elderly home care service and nursing home patients in Norway 2015 Academic lecture
Bedre legemiddelbehandling av eldre 2015 Short communication
Legemidler og pasientsikkerhet - fokus på eldre 2015 Academic literature review
START og STOPP 2, Norwegian translation 2014 Article in business/trade/industry journal
Hold orden på medisinene! 2014 Interview
Legemiddelgjennomgang i hjemmetjenesten 2014 Masters thesis
Fokus på feil legemiddelbruk i hjemmetjenesten 2014 Interview
Multidisciplinary medication reconciliation and medication review in home care services 2014 Poster
Legemiddelgjennomganger hos eldre i sykehjem og hjemmetjenesten. Pasientkasuistikker fra sykehjemmet. 2014 Lecture
2014 Academic lecture
Funn fra legemiddelgjennomgang i hjemmetjenesten i Oslo. 2014 Lecture
Kvintessensen av farmasidagene 2014. 2014 Popular scientific lecture
Mange muligheter med medisiner – Bli farmasøyt! 2014 Popular scientific lecture
Flipped classroom , pod cast og digitale kollokvier. Erfaringer fra farmasiutdanningen 2014 Lecture
Too much or too little? Using Tools for medicatin reviews of elderly patients 2014 Academic lecture
Medicines reconciliation - is it solving the Chinese whisper? 2014 Academic lecture
Hospital pharmacists narrow the gap between health care levels by optimizing discharge letters 2014 Poster
Hospital pharmacists narrow the gap between health care levels by optimizing discharge letters 2014 Poster
Diabetes Type 2 and Use of Oral Antidiabetic Drugs in the Elderly Population in Norway 2014 Academic lecture
Lost in translation?. Comparing three Scandinavian translations of the Beliefs about Medicines Questionnaire 2014 Academic article
Epikrise med farmasøytnotat - Fastlegers erfaringer med og nytte av farmasøytnotat ved utskrivning fra St. Olavs Hospital 2014 Masters thesis
Legemiddelgjennomganger hos eldre: tverrfaglig skreddersøm eller standardiserte verktøy? 2014 Lecture
Use of drugs for peptic ulcer and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) in older patients 2013 Abstract
Legemidler mot ulcus og gastroøsofageal reflukssykdom (GERD) hos eldre pasienter 2013 Poster
7954 fikk tilbud om studieplass - skolen har bare 4255 plasser 2013 Interview
Opp av skrivebordsskuffen 2013 Lecture
Fra utdanningene: bruk av digitale kollokvier for å styrke forholdet mellom utdanning og praksis 2013 Interview
Går MOOC på farmasi 2013 Interview
Mindre krem, mer farmasi 2013 Poster
Too much, too little? Using tools for measuring and discussing quality of medication use in elderly patients 2013 Academic lecture
Use of drugs for opeptic ulcer and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) in older patients 2013 Poster
Praksisveileder: Mentor, coach eller «bare» veileder? 2013 Popular scientific article
Drug information in pregnancy - attitudes and needs among pregnant women and physicians 2013 Doctoral dissertation
Behovsmedisinering i sykehjem: Forskrivning, bruk og dokumentasjon av effekt 2013 Academic article
Teratogenic risk perception and confidence in use of medicines in pairs of pregnant women and general practitioners based on patient information leaflets 2013 Academic article
2012 Interview Journal
Drug prescribing quality for older patients. Explicit indicators and multidisiplinary medication reviews 2012 Doctoral dissertation
Tverrfaglig kvalitet 2012 Editorial
Fylkesvise forskjeller i salg av blodglukosestrimler og antidiabetikaRegional differences in sales of glucometer strips and antidiabetics 2012 Academic article
Risk perception and medicines information needs in pregnant women with epilepsy - A qualitative study 2012 Academic article
Multidosepakkede legemidler i Skandinavia : en systematisk oversikt over muligheter og begrensninger 2012 Academic literature review
Prescribing quality for older people in Norwegian nursing homes and home nursing services using multidose dispensed drugs 2012 Academic article
Viktig med farmasøytisk engasjement 2011 Editorial
A qualitative study of physicians’ and nurses’ experiences of multidisciplinary collaboration with pharmacists participating at case conferences 2011 Academic article
Minor ailments in out-of-hours primary care: An observational study 2011 Academic article
2011 Academic article
Prescriptions from general practitioners and in hospital physicians requiring pharmacists' interventions 2011 Academic article
Prescribing quality for older people in nursing homes and home care services using multi-dose dispensed drugs 2011 Academic lecture
Risk perception and drug information needs for pregnant women with epilepsy – a qualitative study 2011 Academic lecture
Uheldig legemiddelbruk hos eldre 2010 Reader opinion piece
Minor ailments in out-of-hours primary care: An observational study 2010 Academic article
Quality assessment of patients’ self-monitoring of blood glucose in community pharmacies 2010 Academic article
The Prevalence of Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose and Costs of Glucometer Strips in a Nationwide Cohort 2010 Academic article
Samfunnsfarmasi - legmiddelbruk og farmasøytisk profesjonsutøvelse 2010 Textbook
Multidisciplinary intervention to identify and resolve drug-related problems in Norwegian nursing homes 2010 Academic article
Evaluating categorisation and clinical relevance of drug-related problems in medication reviews 2010 Academic article
Uheldig legemiddelbruk hos eldre 2010 Article in business/trade/industry journal
Drug-related problems in nursing homes: the impact of multidisciplinary teams 2010 Academic lecture
Samhandling mellom allmennleger og apotek ved korreksjon av resepter 2009 Academic article
Minor ailments out-of-hours care - an observational study 2009 Poster
Alminnelige helseplager i legevakt. Rapport nr 2-2009 2009 Report
Drug-related problems in Norwegian nursing homes 2009 Academic lecture
Alminnelige helseplager i legevakt 2009 Report
Prescriptions to patients discharged from hospitals requiring pharmacists interventions 2008 Abstract
Diabetes care in Norwegian pharmacies: a descriptive study 2008 Academic article
Legemiddelgjennomganger i apotek for pasienter med type 2-diabetes 2008 Academic article
Self-efficacy in counseling in Norwegian chain pharmacies: A cross-sectional study 2008 Academic article
Avvik fra resepter til utskrevne pasienter fra sykehus 2007 Academic lecture
Control of patients' glucometers and SMBG technique in community pharmacies 2007 Academic lecture
Control of Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose in Community Pharmacies 2007 Poster
Sikkerhet i reseptekspedisjonen 2006 Article in business/trade/industry journal
Sikkerhet i reseptekspedisjon 2006 Article in business/trade/industry journal