
Eirik Årsand


Eirik Årsand was found competent as a Professor in e-health by an international committee in 2014, and does research around how to use mobile technologies to improve self-management, primarily about diabetes. He is currently involved in several projects, and has a history of approximately 35 projects, which includes development of smartphone- and smartwatch-based self-help applications and systems for people with diabetes and related challenges. This involves doing research around the technologies, user needs, user-perception, and medical outcomes of mobile ways of doing self-management. He currently is the main supervisor of one PhD student and co-supervises other PhD students and master students, and has supervised more than 40 students on the master/PhD level since 2001. His research projects have involved mostly people with Type 1 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes, using their mobile self-help tools and the research platform Diabetes Diary, which is downloaded by more than 5000 people in Norway.

Årsand has his main position as Professor at the Department of Computer science at the UiT The Arctic University of Norway. He is affiliated with the Health informatics and technology group. Link to his full list of 475 publications (per October 2022) recorded in the Cristin system.

More information

Personal blog about diabetes: https://fewtouch.wordpress.com

Eirik's projects
Project title Year Theme Project management
Full Flow of Health Data Between Patients and Health Care Systems 2016 - 2020 Innbyggertjenester
Eirik Årsand
Tailoring Type 2 Diabetes Self-Management 2014 - 2017 Citizen services
Eirik Årsand
Smartphones in Type-2 Diabetes Group Education Programs 2014 - 2016 Citizen services
Eirik Årsand
Diabetes on social media: Health promotion intervention and behaviour analysis 2017 - 2020 Citizen services
Elia Gabarron
IKT-løsning for helseindikator-data for ikke smittsomme sykdommer (NCD) 2017 - 2020 Citizen services
Health data
Inger Torhild Gram
Diabetes Digital Guidelines 2018 - 2020 Citizen services
Eirik Årsand
The need for new evaluation methods for eHealth and mHealth services – study of a dynamic concept for efficient trials 2021 - 2025 Citizen services
Eirik Årsand Meghan Bradway
HEIR – A secure Healthcare Environment for Informatics Resilience. 2020 - 2023 Health data
Services for health professionals
Eirik Årsand
A social media chatbot for increasing physical activity behaviour – the FysBot 2022 - 2025 Citizen services
Dillys Larbi
Eirik's publications in Cristin
Title Year Category
What are end-users' needs and preferences for a comprehensive e-health program for type 2 diabetes? - A qualitative user preference study 2024 Poster
An mHealth tool designed to empower and enhance communication between healthcare providers and Sami patients with type 2 diabetes 2024 Poster
An mHealth tool designed to empower and enhance communication between healthcare providers and Sami patients with type 2 diabetes 2024 Abstract
DiAchieve: Preliminary Results from a Study on End-Users' Preferences for a Novel E-Health Program for Type 2 Diabetes 2024 Poster
DiAchieve: Preliminary Results from a Study on End-Users' Preferences for a Novel E-Health Program for Type 2 Diabetes 2024 Abstract
Integrating Hybrid Closed Loop Data into Third-Party Systems: A FHIR-Based Technical Implementation and its Challenges 2024 Poster
Integrating Hybrid Closed Loop Data into Third-Party Systems: A FHIR-Based Technical Implementation and its Challenges 2024 Abstract
Åpne fagdager – en modell for gjensidig kontakt og kunnskapsutveksling med lokalsamfunnet 2024 Poster
What do adults living with obesity want from a chatbot for physical activity? – a qualitative study 2024 Academic article
Health Research Requires Efficient Platforms for Data Collection from Personal Devices 2023 Academic lecture
Ny oppfinnelse fra helseteknologer i Tromsø 2023 Interview
Tror dette grepet vil gjøre livet enklere for folk med diabetes 2023 Interview
Livsviktig utstyr gir unødig mye avfall 2023 Interview
University campus as a smart technology-supported active learning arena 2023 Article in business/trade/industry journal
Dataset of motivational factors for using mobile health applications and systems 2023 Academic article
A secure framework for transferring patient-gathered diabetes data into the Norwegian Diabetes Registry for Adults (NDR-A) 2023 Poster
Staying in Control - Mobile Nutritional Delivery System for people with Type 1 Diabetes 2023 Poster
House of Carbs - Personalized Carbohydrate Dispenser for People with Diabetes 2023 Academic lecture
Privacy Concerns Related to Data Sharing for European Diabetes Devices 2023 Academic article
Use of a Data-Sharing System During Diabetes Consultations 2023 Academic article
DiAchieve - A Qualitative Pre-Study 2023 Poster
DiAchieve - A New e-Health Lifestyle Program for Improved Self-Management and Remission of Type 2 Diabetes 2023 Academic lecture
A Telemedicine System Intervention for Patients With Type 1 Diabetes: Pilot Feasibility Crossover Intervention Study 2023 Academic article
Quality, Usability, and Effectiveness of mHealth Apps and the Role of Artificial Intelligence: Current Scenario and Challenges 2023 Academic article
Exploring Obese Adults' Preferences for a Physical Activity Chatbot: Qualitative Study 2023 Abstract
Health Research Requires Efficient Platforms for Data Collection from Personal Devices 2023 Academic article
Mobile nutritional delivery system for people with insulin-treated diabetes 2023 Poster
Including patient-generated health data in electronic health records – a solution for CGM-data 2023 Academic lecture
Collecting health-related research data using consumer-based wireless smart scales 2023 Academic article
Involving end users in the design and development of an e-health program for lifestyle changes in type 2 diabetes 2023 Poster
Including patient-generated health data in electronic health records – a solution for CGM-data 2023 Abstract
Involving end users in the design and development of an e-health program for lifestyle changes in type 2 diabetes 2023 Abstract
Mobile nutritional delivery system for people with insulin-treated diabetes 2023 Abstract
Designing an e-Health Program for Lifestyle Changes in Diabetes Care: A Qualitative Pre-Study in Norway 2022 Academic lecture
Towards a New Model for Chronic Disease Consultations 2022 Academic lecture
Ubiquitous digital health-related data: clarification of concepts 2022 Academic lecture
Expectations of users and non-users of wearable sensors and mobile health applications 2022 Academic lecture
Selvhjelpssystemer for personer med diabetes – Erfaringer fra 20 år med tett oppfølging av personer med diabetes og forskning på diabetesteknologi 2022 Lecture
Diverse Recruitment Strategies Are Needed to Reduce Digital Divide: Results from a Workshop Addressing Digital Divide and Effects of Pandemic Restrictions 2022 Abstract
Designing, implementing, and testing a modern electronic clinical study management system – the HUBRO system 2022 Academic article
User preferences for a physical activity chatbot connected to an activity tracker and integrated into a social media platform​ 2022 Academic lecture
Lifestyle changes from online information among people with diabetes – the human factor still counts Cross sectional studies 2022 Poster
Towards a New Model for Chronic Disease Consultations 2022 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ubiquitous digital health-related data: clarification of concepts 2022 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Designing an e-Health Program for Lifestyle Changes in Diabetes Care A Qualitative Pre-Study in Norway 2022 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Expectations of users and non-users of wearable sensors and mobile health applications 2022 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
User preferences for a physical activity chatbot connected to an activity tracker and integrated into a social media platform 2022 Academic article
Information and communication technology-based interventions for chronic diseases consultation: Scoping review 2022 Academic literature review
What motivates me in managing my Type 1 diabetes 2021 Popular scientific lecture
Exploring Real-World mHealth Use for Diabetes Consultations: Pros and Pitfalls of a Pragmatic Mixed-Methods Approach 2021 Academic article
How to recommend diabetes self-management tools or services 2021 Briefs
What to look for when choosing tools to manage diabetes 2021 Briefs
Hvordan anbefale digitale diabetesverktøy og –tjenester? 2021 Briefs
Hvordan velge digitale diabetesverktøy og –tjenester? 2021 Briefs
Helse-apper på eget ansvar? 2021 Feature article
AI applied in diabetes research and care: glucose control 2021 Academic lecture
Lifestyle changes among people with type 2 diabetes are associated with participation in online groups and time since diagnosis 2021 Academic article
What motivates patients with NCDs to follow up their treatment? 2021 Academic lecture
Criteria for Assessing and Recommending Digital Diabetes Tools: A Delphi Study 2021 Academic article
mHealth: Where Is the Potential for Aiding Informal Caregivers? 2021 Academic article
Engaging Social Media Users with Health Education and Physical Activity Promotion 2021 Academic article
Status on patient-gathered health data using mHealth in diabetes 2021 Lecture
Design of an Android Wear Smartwatch Application as a Wearable Interface to the Diabetes Diary Application 2021 Academic article
Denne maskinen gir deg akkurat så mye juice som blodsukkeret ditt trenger 2021 Interview
Long term use of the telemonitoring system diani in the therapy of a patient with type 1 diabetes 2020 Academic article
IFIs stipendiater og forskere produserer aktiv på helsefronten 2020 Interview
Verdens smarteste juicedispenser? 2020 Interview
Blir alt virkelig bra igjen? 2020 Popular scientific lecture
Hvordan kan helseteknologi hjelpe under pandemier, eldrebølgen og andre helseutfordringer? 2020 Popular scientific lecture
Lørdagsuniversitetet panelsamtale: Blir alt virkelig bra igjen? 2020 Programme participation
How mHealth can facilitate collaboration in diabetes care: qualitative analysis of codesign workshops 2020 Academic article
A change of focus towards patients and their technologies is needed 2020 Academic lecture
Long term use of the telemonitoring system Diani in the therapy of a patient with type 1 diabetes 2020 Academic article
Factors Engaging Users of Diabetes Social Media Channels on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram: Observational Study 2020 Academic article
Laget diabetes-robot 2020 Interview
The House of Carbs 2020 Interview
The House of Carbs 2020 Interview
A Novel Approach for Continuous Health Status Monitoring and Automatic Detection of Infection Incidences in People With Type 1 Diabetes Using Machine Learning Algorithms (Part 2): A Personalized Digital Infectious Disease Detection Mechanism 2020 Academic article
Toward Detecting Infection Incidence in People With Type 1 Diabetes Using Self-Recorded Data (Part 1): A Novel Framework for a Personalized Digital Infectious Disease Detection System 2020 Academic article
House of Carbs - Personalized Carbohydrate Dispenser for People with Diabetes 2020 Other product
Denne maskinen vet hvor mye sukker du trenger 2020 Interview
Raspberry pi, skyen og nyutviklete algoritmer kan hjelpe diabetikere 2020 Interview
Denne maskinen vet hvor mye sukker du trenger 2020 Interview
Methods and evaluation criteria for apps and digital interventions for diabetes self-management: Systematic review 2020 Academic literature review
Qualitative Evaluations of mHealth Interventions: Current Gaps and Future Directions 2020 Academic article
What Do We Know About the Use of Chatbots for Public Health? 2020 Academic literature review
User Expectations and Willingness to Share Self-collected Health Data 2020 Academic article
The House of Carbs: Personalized Carbohydrate Dispenser for People with Diabetes 2020 Academic article
Healthcare Personnel's Expectations of a System for Sharing and Using Patient‐Gathered Data 2020 Poster
How People with Type 1 Diabetes can Assist in Disease Outbreak Detection 2020 Poster
Transforming a Furby Toy into a Multi‐Modal Companion for Children with Type 1 Diabetes 2020 Poster
Discovering Blood Glucose Regulation Processes with Process Mining 2020 Poster
Vi trenger en digital revolusjon i helsevesenet 2020 Interview
The COVID-19 Pandemic Revealed the Importance and Shortcomings of Technologies for Diabetes Support 2020 Short communication
Diabetesopprøret 2020 Interview
Methods and measures used to evaluate patient-operated mobile health interventions: Scoping literature review 2020 Academic literature review
Slik kan apper gjøre livet bedre 2020 Article in business/trade/industry journal
Digitalisering av helsetjenester 2020 Interview
Social media for adults 2020 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Intervention studies need to adapt to address patient needs for diabetes self‐management 2020 Abstract
Toward A Personalized Decision Support System for Blood Glucose Management During and After Physical Activities in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes 2020 Abstract
Measuring the effects of sharing mobile health data during diabetes consultations: Protocol for a mixed method study 2020 Article in business/trade/industry journal
Jeg vil bli datadonor! 2019 Lecture
The patient's perspective. Status and future trends 2019 Academic lecture
Workshop on Patient Generated Data – Opportunities and challenges 2019 Academic lecture
Comprehensive methods for measuring the impacts of sharing patient-gathered mHealth data during consultations 2019 Poster
Diabetespasienter gjør opprør mot tungvinte hjelpemidler - bygger egne blodsukkermålere og hacker insulinpumper 2019 Interview
Development of an ICT solution to obtain annual, national, Representative Health Indicator Data for Non-Communicable Diseases – A Pilot Study, 2019 Article in business/trade/industry journal
Diabetespasienter gjør opprør mot tungvinte hjelpemidler - bygger egne blodtrykksmålere og hacker insulinpumper. 2019 Interview
Development of an ICT solution to obtain annual, national, representative Health indicator data for non-communicable diseases – a pilot study 2019 Poster
DIY diabetes tech gains popularity with patients and parents fed up with clunky mainstream medical devices 2019 Interview
The Relationship between Anxiety/Depression, Electronic Health, and Doctor Visiting Decisions among People with Diabetes 2019 Poster
Dataset of wearable sensors with possibilities for data exchange 2019 Academic article
Acceptance barriers of using patients’ self-collected health data during medical consultation 2019 Academic lecture
EDMON - A System Architecture for Real-Time Infection Monitoring and Outbreak Detection Based on Self-Recorded Data from People with Type 1 Diabetes: System Design and Prototype Implementation 2019 Academic lecture
Mobile health (mHealth) 2019 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
EDMON - a system architecture for real-time infection monitoring and outbreak detection based on self-recorded data from people with type 1 diabetes: system design and prototype implementation 2019 Academic article
Do diabetes mHealth and online interventions evaluate what is important for users? 2019 Academic article
Acceptance barriers of using patients’ self-collected health data during medical consultation 2019 Academic article
Do diabetes mHealth and online interventions evaluate what is important for users? 2019 Academic lecture
Wearable sensors with possibilities for data exchange: Analyzing status and needs of different actors in mobile health monitoring systems 2019 Academic literature review
Data-driven modeling and prediction of blood glucose dynamics: Machine learning applications in type 1 diabetes 2019 Academic literature review
Design and prestudy assessment of a dashboard for presenting self-collected health data of patients with diabetes to clinicians: Iterative approach and qualitative case study 2019 Academic article
Use of Electronic Health and Its Impact on Doctor-Visiting Decisions Among People With Diabetes: Cross-Sectional Study 2019 Academic article
Internett er den nye førstelinjen 2019 Feature article
Inequalities in the Use of eHealth Between Socioeconomic Groups Among Patients With Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes: Cross-Sectional Study 2019 Academic article
Ny teknologi og trender innen egenmonitorering av diabetes 2019 Abstract
Ny teknologi og trender innen egenmonitorering av diabetes 2019 Lecture
"Det er om natta man går konkurs" 2019 Feature article
Data-driven blood glucose pattern classification and anomalies detection: Machine-learning applications in Type 1 diabetes 2019 Academic literature review
Associations Between the Use of eHealth and Out-of-Hours Services in People With Type 1 Diabetes: Cross-Sectional Study 2019 Academic article
Goal-setting and patterns of app use: Selected results from the "Tailoring type 2 diabetes self-management" RCT. 2019 Poster
Frameworks for evaluating mhealth technologies lack patient focus 2019 Poster
Frameworks for evaluating mhealth technologies lack patient focus 2019 Abstract
What can be learned by analyzing patient-gathered data from self-management diabetes app 2019 Poster
What can be learned by analyzing patient-gathered data from a self-management diabetes app 2019 Abstract
Self-recruited T2D patients' engagement in a self-management tool: Feedback and suggestions 2019 Poster
Self-recruited T2D patients'engagement in a self-management tool: Feedback and suggestions 2019 Abstract
System for automatic estimation and delivery of quickly-absorbable carbohydrates 2019 Poster
System for automatic estimation and delivery of quickly-absorbable carbohydrates 2019 Abstract
Health promotion priorities for diabetes: Results of a Delphi study 2019 Abstract
Forskning på teknologi og diabetes - en lang historie 2019 Article in business/trade/industry journal
Vanskelig å forske på effekten av helseapper 2019 Interview
Employing a User-Centered Cognitive Walkthrough to Evaluate a mHealth Diabetes Self-Management Application: A Case Study and Beginning Method Validation 2019 Academic article
What are diabetes patients versus health care personnel discussing on social media? 2019 Academic article
The Service User Technology Acceptability Questionnaire: Psychometric Evaluation of the Norwegian Version 2018 Academic article
Relations between the use of electronic health and the use of general practitioner and somatic specialist visits in patients with type 1 diabetes: Cross-sectional study 2018 Academic article
17 år med forskning ved bruk av e-helse 2018 Popular scientific chapter/article
Preferences and interests of diabetes social media users regarding a health-promotion intervention 2018 Academic article
Siste nytt og satsningsområder innen e-helse og diabetesforskning 2018 Popular scientific lecture
The evolution of clinicians’ preparedness for mHealth use (2013-2017) and current barriers 2018 Academic article
Making computer games that can teach children with Type 1 diabetes in rural areas how to manage their condition 2018 Academic article
Analysing mHealth usage logs in RCTs: Explaining participants’ interactions with type 2 diabetes self-management tools 2018 Academic article
The Evolution of Clinicians’ Preparedness for mHealth Use (2013-2017) and Current Barriers 2018 Academic lecture
Making Computer Games that Can Teach Children with Type 1 Diabetes in Rural Areas How to Manage Their Condition 2018 Academic lecture
Design and development of a context-aware knowledge-based module for identifying relevant information and information gaps in patients with type 1 diabetes self-collected health data 2018 Academic article
Acceptability of an mHealth app intervention for persons with type 2 diabetes and its associations with initial self-management: Randomized controlled trial 2018 Academic article
Social media use in interventions for diabetes: Rapid evidence-based review 2018 Academic literature review
Exploring In-Game Reward Mechanisms in Diaquarium – A Serious Game for Children with Type 1 Diabetes 2018 Academic lecture
Exploring In-Game Reward Mechanisms in Diaquarium – A Serious Game for Children with Type 1 Diabetes 2018 Academic article
Social media for health promotion in diabetes: Study protocol for a participatory public health intervention design 2018 Academic article
Diabetes social media users’ preferences for a health promotion intervention 2018 Poster
Involvering av pasienter i design og forskning 2018 Popular scientific lecture
Design better together: Co-design workshop protocol to develop an m-diabetes data sharing system between patients and clinicians 2018 Poster
Improving education of medical studens by involving a telemedical system for diabetes into lectures 2018 Poster
Improving education of medical students by involving a telemedical system for diabetes into lectures 2018 Abstract
Stepwise treatment concept proposed for an m-health enabled diabetes intervention 2018 Poster
Stepwise treatment concept proposed for an m-health enabled diabetes intervention 2018 Abstract
The necessity of using mixed methods for assessment of mHealth interventions: Application in the "Full Flow of Datasharing" project. 2018 Abstract
The necessity of using mixed methods for assessment of mHealth interventions: Application in the "Full Flow of Datasharing" Project 2018 Poster
Utilizing the New Generation of Wearable Devices in a Combined Diabetes Diary Application 2018 Poster
Extended Glucose Monitoring through the use of Group-based Internet of Things Mini Displays 2018 Poster
Extended Glucose Monitoring through the use of Group-based Internet of Things Mini Displays 2018 Abstract
A FHIR-based data flow enabling patients to share self-collected data with the Norwegian national healthcare systems and electronic health record systems 2018 Poster
A FHIR-based data flow enabling patients to share self-collected data with the Norwegian national healthcare systems and electronic health record systems 2018 Abstract
An online source of information for diabetes mellitus patients—a neglected opportunity for a developing region like Sub-Saharan Africa 2018 Letter to the editor
Systems integrating self-collected health data by patients into EHRs and medical systems: a State-of-the-art review 2017 Academic literature review
EDMON - A Wireless Communication Platform for a Real-Time Infectious Disease Outbreak Detection System Using Self-Recorded Data from People with Type 1 Diabetes 2017 Academic lecture
An Early Infectious Disease Outbreak Detection Mechanism Based on Self-Recorded Data from People with Diabetes 2017 Academic lecture
An Early Infectious Disease Outbreak Detection Mechanism Based on Self-Recorded Data from People with Diabetes 2017 Academic article
EDMON - A Wireless Communication Platform for a Real-Time Infectious Disease Outbreak Detection System Using Self-Recorded Data from People with Type 1 Diabetes 2017 Academic article
Bruk av app til diabetes og mat – eksempel: Diabetesdagboka 2017 Popular scientific lecture
mHealth and Diabetes 2017 Lecture
Diabetes og behov som teknologi kan understøtte 2017 Lecture
Selvhjelpapplikasjoner - hvor står vi i dag og hva bringer morgendagen? 2017 Lecture
DIY, social media, cloud-based solutions, mHealth and diabetes – how patients take control of their diabetes 2017 Academic lecture
Systems integrating self-collected health data by patients into EHRs and medical systems: a State-of-the-art review 2017 Lecture
Healthcare representatives tweeting about #diabetes: Follow the leaders! 2017 Poster
Evaluating patient empowerment in welfare technology and m-health tools as part of introducing new health care systems 2017 Academic lecture
UiT-forskning i Narvik trenger din hjelp 2017 Interview
Expanding Functionality of a Diabetes Smartwatch Application 2017 Abstract
Diabetesdagboka - forskningsapp med funksjoner for medisin, blodsukker, fysisk aktivitet, m.m. 2017 Popular scientific article
Expanding Functionality of a Diabetes Smartwatch Application 2017 Academic lecture
An early infectious disease outbreak detection system based on self-recorded data from people with diabetes 2017 Poster
An early infectious disease outbreak detection system based on self-recorded data from people with diabetes 2017 Abstract
Data Driven Blood Glucose Prediction: Interval vs. Point Blood Glucose Prediction? 2017 Poster
Data Driven Blood Glucose Prediction: Interval vs. Point Blood Glucose Prediction? 2017 Abstract
Warning: the Do-It-Yourself (DIY) wave will drastically change diabetes care 2016 Poster
Seriøse spill i helsevesenetSerious Games in Healthcare 2016 Briefs
Deling av pasientgenererte data fra m-helseverktøySharing Patient-gathered Data from M-health Tools 2016 Briefs
M-helse og diabetesbehandlingM-health for Diabetes Management 2016 Briefs
M-helse og pasienters egenmestring av kronisk sykdomM-health and Chronic Disease Treatment Adherence 2016 Briefs
Kan sosiale medier styrke «gjør det selv»- bevegelsen og pasienters egenmestring?Social Media as Enabler of Self-care and the Do-it-yourself Movement? 2016 Briefs
Bærbar teknologi og sensorerWearable technologies and Sensors 2016 Briefs
Tall og fakta om helseapperM-health Apps by Numbers 2016 Briefs
Utfordrer systemer og letter hverdagen 2016 Interview
Designing, developing, and evaluating the future internet of personal health 2016 Brochure
Alerts, notifications, reminders: Telemedicine solution not to burden but to support patients with diabetes 2016 Poster
Better glucose regulation through enabling group-based motivational mechanisms in cloud-based solutions like Nightscout 2016 Poster
2016 Abstract
App med funksjoner for fysisk aktivitet, mat, medisin, blodsukker, vekt og personlige mål – Diabetesdagboka 2016 Article in business/trade/industry journal
Kvalitetssikring av mobil selvhjelpsteknologi – ta pasienten med på laget 2016 Lecture
Warning: the Do-It-Yourself (DIY) wave will drastically change diabetes care! 2016 Academic lecture
The opportunity to evaluate the impact of our changing health care system through archetypes and reinforced use of medical coding 2016 Poster
The potential use of patient-gathered data from mHealth tools: suggestions based on an RCT-study 2016 Poster
mHealth data-sharing system to improve communication during consultations: Type 1 diabetes patients’ perspective during the FI-STAR study 2016 Academic lecture
Utilizing social media for research and development of diabetes self-management tools 2016 Poster
Do-It-Yourself Movement and Advanced Functions Provided by Wearable Devices in Diabetes Self-Management 2016 Academic article
The potential use of patient-gathered data from mHealth tools: suggestions based on an RCT-study 2016 Abstract
The opportunity to evaluate the impact of our changing health care system through archetypes and reinforced use of medical coding 2016 Abstract
Integrating data from apps, wearables and personal Electronic Health Record (pEHR) systems with clinicians’ Electronic Health Records (EHR) systems 2016 Abstract
mHealth data-sharing system to improve communication during consultations: Type 1 diabetes patients’ perspective during the FI-STAR study 2016 Abstract
Better glucose regulation through enabling group-based motivational mechanisms in cloud-based solutions like Nightscout 2016 Abstract
Warning: the Do-It-Yourself (DIY) wave will drastically change diabetes care! 2016 Abstract
System for enabling clinicians to relate to a mobile health app: Preliminary results of the Norwegian trial in the EU FI-STAR project 2016 Abstract
The Use of eHealth and Provider-Based Health Services by Patients with Diabetes Mellitus: Protocol for a Cross-Sectional Study 2016 Academic article
What are diabetes patients discussing on social media? 2016 Abstract
Effectiveness of an Internet Community for Severely Obese Women 2016 Academic lecture
Effectiveness of an Internet Community for Severely Obese Women 2016 Academic article
Play and Learn: Developing a Social Game for Children with Diabetes 2016 Academic lecture
Play and Learn: Developing a Social Game for Children with Diabetes 2016 Academic article
Serious Game Co-Design for Children with Type 1 Diabetes 2016 Academic lecture
Serious game co-design for children with type 1 diabetes 2016 Academic article
Telemedicine tools for automated generation of diabetes diary 2016 Poster
Serious Gaming in Diabetes: Combining Apps and Gaming Principles in a Holistic Diabetes Environment 2016 Poster
Wearable Computing in Diabetes – Advanced Functions Enabled by Smartwatches 2016 Poster
Designing motivational and educational diabetes video games involving children as a creative resource 2016 Poster
Utilizing technology and alternative approaches for displaying vital information and creating engagement for children and adolescents with diabetes 2016 Poster
Using Online Forums to Better Understand Motivations Behind Technology Uptake Among Type 2 Diabetes Patients, Using CGM as the Use-Case 2016 Poster
Utilizing social media for research and developement of diabetes self-management tools. 2016 Abstract
Electronic Disease Surveillance System Based on Inputs from People with Diabetes: An Early Outbreak Detection Mechanism 2016 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wearable Computing in Diabetes: Advanced Functions Enabled by Smartwatches 2016 Abstract
Designing motivational and educational diabetes video games involving children as a creative resource 2016 Abstract
Utilizing technology and alternative approaches for displaying vital information and creating engagement for children and adolescents with diabetes 2016 Abstract
Using Online Forums to Better Understand Motivations Behind Technology Uptake Among Type 2 Diabetes Patients, Using CGM as the Use-Case 2016 Abstract
Serious Gaming in Diabetes: Combining Apps and Gaming Principles in a Holistic Diabetes Environment 2016 Abstract
Integrating visual dietary documentation in mobile-phone-based self-management application for adolescents with type 1 diabetes 2015 Academic article
Online Telemonitoring System of Diabetes – Supervision and Management of Patient Treatment for Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus 2015 Academic article
Experience with Design of a Smartwatch Diabetes Diary Application 2015 Academic article
Selvhjelpssystemer for behandling av diabetes i utviklingsland 2015 Lecture
A mobile health intervention for persons with Type 2 Diabetes. Results from the Norwegian Randomized Controlled Trial in RENEWING HEALTH. 2015 Academic lecture
Mobile Health: Empowering patients and driving change 2015 Academic article
Patients’ acceptability of a digital diabetes diary application. Findings from the Norwegian study in RENEWING HEALTH. 2015 Poster
Mobile applications for people with diabetes published between 2010 and 2015 2015 Academic article
Review of Serious Games for People with Diabetes 2015 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Assessing the Potential Use of Eye-Tracking Triangulation for Evaluating the Usability of an Online Diabetes Exercise System 2015 Academic lecture
Mining Symptoms of Severe Mood Disorders in Large Internet Communities 2015 Academic lecture
2015 Poster
Mining Symptoms of Severe Mood Disorders in Large Internet Communities 2015 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Diabetes Group Education versus Individual Counselling: Review of Conflicting Evidence 2015 Academic lecture
Do mobile medical apps need to follow European and US regulations or not: decisions exemplified by diabetes management app 2015 Academic lecture
Diabetes Automata: Software Engine for Blood Glucose Level Simulation 2015 Academic lecture
Assessing the potential use of eye-tracking triangulation for evaluating the usability of an online diabetes exercise system 2015 Academic article
Diabetes Group Education versus Individual Counselling: Review of Conflicting Evidence 2015 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Do mobile medical apps need to follow European and US regulations or not: decisions exemplified by diabetes management app 2015 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Diabetes Automata: Software Engine for Blood Glucose Level Simulation 2015 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Data-driven personalized feedback to patients with Type 1 Diabetes: A randomized trial 2015 Academic article
Selvhjelpsverktøy for barn og ungdom med diabetes i lav- og mellominntektsland 2015 Academic lecture
Ambient light as an information mediator for parents to children with diabetes 2015 Abstract
Performance of the first Combined Smartwatch to Smartphone Diabetes Diary Application Study 2015 Academic article
Mobile Health Intervention for Self-Management and Lifestyle Change for Persons With Type 2 Diabetes. Results From the Norwegian Randomized Controlled Trial in RENEWING HEALTH 2015 Academic lecture
The Role of a Smartwatch in Mobile Chronic Disease Self-Management 2014 Academic article
Utilizing Physical Activity Trackers in Mobile Diabetes Self-management 2014 Academic lecture
Prototyping a Diet Self-management System for People with Diabetes with Cultural Adaptable User Interface Design 2014 Academic lecture
Utilizing data gathered through mobile apps for self-management of type 1 diabetes 2014 Poster
RENEWING HEALTH Final Pilot Evaluation Norway. Version 1.2 Deliverable D11.7 2014 Report
A Mobile Health Intervention for Self-Management and Lifestyle Change for Persons With Type 2 Diabetes, Part 2: One-Year Results From the Norwegian Randomized Controlled Trial RENEWING HEALTH 2014 Academic article
A Low-Intensity Mobile Health Intervention With and Without Health Counseling for Persons With Type 2 Diabetes, Part 1: Baseline and Short-Term Results From a Randomized Controlled Trial in the Norwegian Part of RENEWING HEALTH 2014 Academic article
Quality of life and acceptability of self-management telehealth interventions in three Scandinavian RCT studies in the RENEWING HEALTH study 2014 Academic lecture
“Diabetes Care”: Providing Advanced Representation of Mobile Diabetes Diary Data to General Practitioner 2014 Masters thesis
Prototyping a Diet Self-management System for People with Diabetes with Cultural Adaptable User Interface Design 2014 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Utilizing Physical Activity Trackers in Mobile Diabetes Self-management 2014 Abstract
Use of patient- recorded data in smartphone- based game for children with diabetes 2014 Abstract
Long-term findings from three Scandinavian RCT studies in the European telemedicine Project RENEWING HEALTH: Self-management telehealth interventions with health counseling 2014 Academic lecture
Blodsukker på mobilen 2013 Interview
2013 Academic article
Designing a diabetes mobile application with social network support 2013 Academic lecture
Educational Social Games Embedded in a Telemonitoring Tool for Children with Type 1 Diabetes: A Preliminary Paper 2013 Abstract
A review of serious games for diabetic patients 2013 Poster
Overview and Multi-Criteria Analysis of Glucometers for Telemonitoring of Patient with Diabetes Mellitus 2013 Academic literature review
Short term findings from the Norwegian (RCT) study in Renewing Health: A low-intensity and low cost mobile health intervention with health counseling 2013 Poster
Readiness for Diet Change Among Persons with Type 2 Diabetes: the Norwegian Study in Renewing Health 2013 Poster
Økende bruk av selvhjelpsverktøy og apper gir muligheter - betydning for framtidas diabetesbehandling 2013 Popular scientific article
Appen gjør hverdagen lettere 2013 Interview
Design of an Advanced Mobile Diabetes Diary Based on a Prospective 6-month Study Involving People with Type 1 Diabetes 2013 Poster
Designing a diabetes mobile application with social network support 2013 Academic article
Mobile Patient Applications within Diabetes - from Few and Easy to Advanced Functionalities 2013 Abstract
Low-Intensity Self-Management Intervention for Persons With Type 2 Diabetes Using a Mobile Phone-Based Diabetes Diary, With and Without Health Counseling and Motivational Interviewing: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial 2013 Academic article
Usage and Perceptions of a Mobile Self-Management Application for People with Type 2 Diabetes: Qualitative Study of 5-month Trial 2013 Academic lecture
Usage and perceptions of a mobile self-management application for people with type 2 diabetes: qualitative study of a five-month trial 2013 Academic article
Blodsukker på mobilen 2013 Interview
Characterizing Development Patterns of Healthcare Social Networks 2013 Academic article
Utilization of self-gathered patient data in a mobile-phone-based feedback system for patients with type 1 diabetes 2013 Abstract
Model-driven diabetes care: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial 2013 Academic article
Inferring community structure in healthcare forums. An empirical study 2013 Academic article
Design of an advanced mobile diabetes diary based on a prospective 6-month study involving people with type 1 diabetes 2013 Abstract
A review of serious games for diabetic patients 2013 Abstract
Mobil egenmestring 2013 Popular scientific lecture
Long-Term Engagement With a Mobile Self-Management System for People With Type 2 Diabetes 2013 Academic article
Functionalities and input methods for recording food intake: A systematic review 2013 Academic article
Miniaturised Activity Sensor 2012 Poster
Egenmestring-forebygging, Eksempel på forskning og utvikling NST har gjort innen Diabetes 2012 Popular scientific lecture
Self-Management, Few Touch Application (FTA), Mobile Diabetes Solutions 2012 Popular scientific lecture
Mobil Diabetesdagbok i Hjemmemiljø, i Møte med Helsetjenesten og Hos Helsetjenesten 2012 Popular scientific lecture
The Norwegian Type 2 Diabetes study in RENEWING HEALTH: Development, implementation and evaluation of an intervention with a mobile diabetes diary - the Few Touch Application - with and without health counseling 2012 Academic lecture
Temporal Community Structure Patterns in Diabetes Social Networks 2012 Academic lecture
The Norwegian study in Renewing Health: Stimulating self-management in persons with Type 2 diabetes mellitus through telecare using the Few Touch application (FTA) and health counseling - a randomized controlled trial 2012 Poster
Resultater fra et randomisert kontrollert forsøk med egenbehandling med en elektronisk diabetesdagbok (Few Touch Application) – med og uten helseveiledning 2012 Academic lecture
Diabetesdagbok på mobiltelefon, Mobile selvhjelpsverktøy utviklet av og for mennesker med diabetes 2012 Popular scientific lecture
Diabetes Self-Management, User-Involved Design of Mobile Self-Help Tools for People with Diabetes 2012 Academic lecture
Designing a Mobile Diabetes Diary, Blood Glucose on SMS and using Pictures in Improving Diabetes Care for Young People 2012 Popular scientific lecture
Model driven mobile care for patients with type 1 diabetes 2012 Academic article
Mobile Phone-Based Pattern Recognition and Data Analysis for Patients with Type 1 Diabetes 2012 Academic article
Mobile Health Applications to Assist Patients with Diabetes: Lessons Learned and Design Implications 2012 Academic article
Improving Diabetes Care for Young People With Type 1 Diabetes Through Visual Learning on Mobile Phones: Mixed-Methods Study 2012 Academic article
Could mobile diabetes management systems revolutionize patient care? 2012 Academic article
Effects and Feedback from 30 Individuals with Type 1 Diabetes, Using a Mobile Diabetes Diary: The Few Touch Application 2012 Academic lecture
Social Media and Games as Self-Management Tools for Children and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus 2012 Poster
Social Media and Games as Self-Management Tools for Children and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus 2012 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Temporal Community Structure Patterns in Diabetes Social Networks 2012 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Patient satisfaction with the intervention in the Norwegian study of Renewing Health 2012 Poster
The Few Touch Digital Diabetes Diary for type 2 Diabetes 2011 Documentary
Mobilapp forenkler diabetesovervåkingMobilapp forenkler diabetesovervåking 2011 Interview
The Few Touch Application (FTA) in Social Media 2011 Academic lecture
The Diabetes Motivation Projects, User-Involved Design of Mobile Self-Help Tools for People with Diabetes 2011 Popular scientific lecture
Diabetes care on Mobile Phones 2011 Popular scientific lecture
Diabetes og telemedisin, alt på mobilen? 2011 Academic lecture
Going for a PhD: Problems and Pitfalls 2011 Popular scientific lecture
The Norwegian study in Renewing Health: Stimulating self-management in patients with Type 2 diabetes mellitus through telecare with the Few Touch application (FTA) and health counselling - a randomized controlled trial 2011 Academic lecture
Global telemedicine services – what can be learned from telemedicine in Norway? 2011 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
SMART CARB - A mobile nutrition self-management application for people with diabetes 2011 Masters thesis
Innovation in Practice: Development of Mobile Phone Applications, Involving Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes. A Pilot Study 2011 Poster
Review of Mobile Terminal-Based Tools for Diabetes Diet Management 2011 Academic lecture
Mobile Peer Support in Diabetes 2011 Academic lecture
Towards a mobile solution for predicting illness in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus: Development of a prediction model for detecting risk of illness in Type 1 Diabetes prior to symptom onset 2011 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Towards a mobile solution for predicting illness in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus: Development of a prediction model for detecting risk of illness in Type 1 Diabetes prior to symptom onset 2011 Academic lecture
Exploring the use of Educational Video Games as Self-Management Tools for Children and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus 2011 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Personalized Mobile Phone-based Tools for Type 1 Diabetes 2011 Poster
Features of Mobile Diabetes Applications: Review of the Literature and Analysis of Current Applications Compared Against Evidence-Based Guidelines 2011 Academic literature review
Mobile Peer Support in Diabetes 2011 Academic article
Review of Mobile Terminal-Based Tools for Diabetes Diet Management 2011 Academic article
Mobile Diabetes Self-Management Tools –What’s the Role of Clinicians? 2011 Poster
Exploring illness prediction in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus pre-symptom onset 2011 Academic article
Wireless and Mobile Technologies Improving Diabetes Self-Management 2011 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bedre selvhjelp med mobil 2010 Interview
Gjennombrudd for diabetes-selvhjelp 2010 Interview
Bedre selvhjelp med mobil 2010 Interview
Behandler diabetes på mobiltelefonen 2010 Interview
Behandler diabetes på mobiltelefonen 2010 Interview
Norwegian University Develops Self Help System To Monitor Diabetes Patients 2010 Interview
Telemedicine for Diabetes Patients 2010 Interview
Håper dagbok på mobiltelefon blir et nyttig redskap for alle med diabetes 2010 Interview
Med diabetes på telefonen 2010 Interview
Sluttrapport 2010 - Collocated Personal Diabetes Data (CPDD) 2010 Report
Idemøte om mobil diabetesdagbok 2010 Article in business/trade/industry journal
Tromsøpasienter i stort EU-prosjekt 2010 Article in business/trade/industry journal
Rapport for prosjektet Økt nytte av blodsukkermåling 2010 Report
Research on mobile self-help tools for patients with Type 2 diabetes 2010 Popular scientific lecture
Diabetes research at NST 2010 Popular scientific lecture
M-Health: Mobile self-help tools for patients with diabetes 2010 Popular scientific lecture
Forskning på mobile selvhjelpsverktøy for pasienter med type 2 diabetes 2010 Popular scientific lecture
Diabetesdagbok på mobiltelefonen – utprøving på tolv pasienter med type 2-diabetes 2010 Popular scientific article
The TTL and the Few Touch application was nominated by The Norwegian Computer Society to the Rosing prize in the category Green IT 2010 Documentary
Use of Various Methods in User-Involved Design of Mobile Self-Help Tools for People with Diabetes 2010 Academic lecture
User-Involved Design of Mobile Self-Help Tools for People with Diabetes 2010 Academic lecture
Mobile self-help system to monitor diabetics health conditions 2010 Documentary
Designing Mobile Diabetes Applications – Challenges and Opportunities 2010 Academic lecture
eHelse fornyer helsearbeidet 2010 Popular scientific article
Patient-user involvement for designing a self-help tool for Type 2 diabetes 2010 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Patient-user involvement for designing a self-help tool for Type 2 diabetes 2010 Academic lecture
Exploring illness prediction in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus pre-symptom onset 2010 Academic lecture
Status for the Norwegian study 2010 Academic lecture
Project administration Norway. Status for the Norwegian Study 2010 Academic lecture
The Norwegian study in Renewing Health 2010 Academic lecture
Stimulating self-management in patients with type 2 diabetes 2010 Academic lecture
Mobile-Phone-based Self-Management Tools for Type 2 Diabetes – The Few Touch Application 2010 Academic article
User-Involved Design of Mobile Self-Help Tools for People with Diabetes 2010 Academic lecture
I-care: stimulating self-management in patients with type 2 diabetes. A pilot study 2010 Poster
User-Involved Design of Mobile Self-Help tools for People with Diabetes – The Few Touch Application 2010 Poster
User-Involved Design of Mobile Self-Help Tools for People with Diabetes 2010 Poster
Statistical modeling of aggregated lifestyle and blood glucose data in type 1 diabetes patients 2010 Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Sykehus på boks 2009 Interview
Brukermedvirkning i Diabetes / Lifestyle prosjektene 2009 Academic lecture
Diabetesdagboka - Bruker-involvert design av mobile selvhjelpsverktøy for mennesker med Diabetes 2009 Popular scientific lecture
Fremtiden heter e-helse 2009 Documentary
A Review of Mobile Terminal-Based Applications for Self-Management of Patients with Diabetes 2009 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Reusing Patient Data to Enhance Patient Empowerment and Electronic Disease Surveillance 2009 Academic article
The Few Touch Digital Diabetes Diary, User-Involved Design of Mobile Self-Help Tools for People with Diabetes 2009 Doctoral dissertation
Self-help tools: advantages and limitations of PC-based versus mobile approaches 2009 Academic lecture
A Review of Mobile Terminal-Based Applications for Self-Management of Patients with Diabetes 2009 Academic lecture
Diabetes diary based on a mobile phone – Users´experiences and iterative design process 2009 Poster
Presentation of the Few Touch Application based on the Windows Mobile platform 2008 Popular scientific lecture
Prosjekter og Resultater - Diabetesteamet 2008 Popular scientific lecture
Self-help through a mobile ICT tool - Type 2 diabetes 2008 Popular scientific lecture
Selvhjelp, mobile verktøy, diabetes 2008 Popular scientific lecture
Disease Surveillance –The Patient’s Point of View, Self-Help Tools 2008 Academic lecture
Mobile Self-Help Tool for People with Type 2 Diabetes 2008 Academic lecture
As part of the common research study: “Using Interoperable Mobile Phone Applications for Managing Daily Events in Diabetes Care” with former colleagues at the University of Washington, USA, the video-presentation of the Few Touch application was created and presented at the Project HealthDesign’s showcase event, also available at YouTube 2008 Documentary
Bluetooth Technology @ Work - The Future of Telemetry 2008 Interview
Ny internasjonal læringsarena 2008 Popular scientific article
Diabetesdagbok på mobiltelefonen 2008 Popular scientific article
Designing mobile dietary management support technologies for people with diabetes 2008 Academic article
User-Centered Methods for Designing Patient-Centric Self-Help Tools 2008 Academic article
A System for Monitoring Physical Activity Data Among People with Type 2 Diabetes 2008 Academic article
A Context-Sensitive Framework for Mobile Terminals for Assisting Type 2 Diabetes Patients 2008 Report
Designing Mobile Dietary Management Support Tecnologies for People with Diabetes 2008 Report
A Context-Sensitive Framework for Mobile Terminals for Assisting Type 2 Diabetes Patients 2008 Masters thesis
Context-Sensitive Framework for Mobile Terminals for Assisting Type 2 Diabetes Patients 2008 Academic lecture
A System for Monitoring Physical Activity Data Among People with Type 2 Diabetes 2008 Academic lecture
Self-help through a mobile ICT tool 2007 Popular scientific lecture
Lessons learned from interacting with users 40-70 years old in designing an eHealth self-help tool 2007 Academic lecture
Self-help through a mobile ICT tool - type 2 diabetes 2007 Academic lecture
Self-help through a mobile ICT tool 2007 Academic lecture
Supporting diabetes self-management through information and communication technology (ICT) 2007 Academic lecture
Vi nærmer oss et system for selvhjelp på mobiltelefonen 2007 Academic article
Documents in medicine: from paper documents to quality-healthcare? 2007 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Challenges in Telemedicine and eHealth: Lessons Learned from 20 Years with Telemedicine in Tromsø 2007 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Usability of a Mobile Self-Help Tool for People with Diabetes: the Easy Health Diary 2007 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
No-touch wireless transfer of blood glucose data from patient-operatedblood glucose monitors 2007 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Usability of a Mobile Self-Help Tool for People with Diabetes: the Easy Health Diary 2007 Academic lecture
No-touch wireless transfer of blood glucose data from patient-operatedblood glucose monitors 2007 Academic lecture
Automatic Infection Detection System 2007 Academic lecture
Challenges in Telemedicine and eHealth: Lessons Learned from 20 Years with Telemedicine in Tromsø 2007 Academic lecture
Construction of a Self-help System for Automatic Capture of Physical Activity Data Among People With Type 2 Diabetes 2007 Poster
Usability of a Mobile Self-Help Tool for People with Diabetes 2007 Poster
Sluttrapport for prosjektet Forebygging 2002/1/0352 ”Digital diabetesopplæring” 2006 Report
Patient-centric health diary; research and innovation within Sensor Based Systems 2006 Academic lecture
Reprogrammable hardware used in future patient-centric eHealth tools 2006 Academic lecture
Exploring different electronic media to support diabetes self-management 2006 Academic lecture
Selvhjelp ved bruk av mobilt IKT-verktøy 2006 Academic article
The Bluetooth SIG exhibited the NST's blood glucose sensor system as a Business Case Study on their web page: Business Case Studies - Norwegian Centre for Telemedicine, 2006 2006 Documentary
Diabetes education via mobile text messaging 2006 Academic article
Capturing and presenting patient-data through a smartphone: Designing a self-help tool 2006 Academic lecture
Capturing and presenting patient-data through a smartphone: Designing a self-help tool 2006 Poster
BLOOD GLUCOSE BY SMS Do parents find it reassuring to receive automatic updates about their child’s blood-glucose level - and is the child safer? 2005 Brochure
eHealth tools to Empower Diabetes Self-Management 2005 Popular scientific lecture
Digital-TV og pasientinformasjon 2005 Report
A wearable eHealth system for people with Type 2 diabetes 2005 Academic lecture
Wireless Transfer of Sensor Data into Electronic Health Records 2005 Academic article
A mobile messaging and monitoring system to aid in diabetes self management 2005 Academic lecture
EDDG systembeskrivelse - Using blood glucose data as an indicator for epidemic disease outbreaks 2005 Academic lecture
Enklere diabetes med mobil og internett 2005 Article in business/trade/industry journal
NST's blood glucose sensor system as a reference eHealth application for Bluetooth SIG 2005 Documentary
A Wearable eHealth System for People With Type 2 Diabetes 2005 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Using blood glucose data as an indicator for epidemic disease outbreaks 2005 Academic article
Parent-child interaction using a mobile and wireless system for blood glucose monitoring 2005 Academic article
Automatic transfer of blood glucose values 2004 Academic lecture
2004 Interview
Prosjektet “Automatisert måling av blodsukker” 2004 Popular scientific lecture
PRESENTASJON: UTVALGTE PROSJEKTER / PROTOTYPER Konseptet for forskningsbaserte kommersialiseringer fra FoU-miljøet i landsdelen og resultater til nå 2004 Popular scientific lecture
Prosjekt: ”Automatisk overføring av blodsukkerverdier” 2004 Popular scientific lecture
Interaktiv digital diabetesdagbok 2004 Popular scientific lecture
Automatisert overføring av blodsukkerdata 2004 Academic lecture
Automatisert måling av blodsukker 2004 Popular scientific lecture
Automatic transfer of blood glucose values 2004 Popular scientific lecture
Sluttrapport for prosjektet ”Automatisert måling av blodsukker” 2004 Report
Alternative brukergrensesnitt for helserelaterte tjenester på mobile terminaler 2004 Report
Blood glucose data into Electronic Health Care Records for diabetes management 2004 Academic article
Reference Application, Bluetooth supervision of children with diabetes 2004 Documentary
Case: Automatic transfer of blood glucose data from children with type 1 diabetes 2003 Popular scientific lecture
Blodsukker på SMS 2003 Interview
Mangler vi fantasi eller vilje til å utnytte personlige helsesensorer? Eksempel: blodsukker-sensor 2003 Popular scientific lecture
Full kontroll på blodsukkernivået 2003 Interview
Sikkert stikk på SMS 2003 Interview
Blodsukker-måling på SMS 2003 Interview
Måler blodsukkernivå på SMS 2003 Interview
Blodsukker på SMS 2003 Interview
Transfer of sensordata into electronic health records 2003 Academic lecture
Designing a project portfolio for future management of diabetes and other chronic diseases 2003 Academic lecture
Prosjekt om automatisert måling av blodsukker 2002 Interview
Måler blodsukker via data 2002 Interview
Automatic delivery of blood glucose data 2002 Popular scientific lecture
Studie av status i bruken av og erfaringer med smarthus i pleie- og omsorgstjenesten 2002 Report
The Patient in the Health Care Data Net 2002 Report
Automatic delivery of blood glucose data 2002 Academic lecture
Smart home technology in Norwegian homebased health and social services 2002 Academic lecture
The patient in the health care data net - A disease management system in diabetes treatment 2002 Academic lecture
Development of a Data Logger for Automatic Environmental Measurments 1992 Masters thesis
Eirik's project reports
Report no. Title Author(s)
NST-rapport 2013 02 Motivasjon med mobil Eirik Årsand, Erlend Bønes, Geir Østengen, Naoe Tatara
NST-rapport 2005 04 Digital-TV og pasientinformasjon Eirik Årsand, Geir Østengen, Niklas Andersson, Ole Anders Walseth
Eirik's fact sheets
Fact sheet no Title Contact
2021 08 How do we know that a diabetes app works? Dillys Larbi Eirik Årsand
2016 11 Serious Games in Healthcare Eirik Årsand
2016 10 Sharing Patient-gathered Data from M-health Tools Meghan Bradway Eirik Årsand
2016 09 M-health for Diabetes Management Eirik Årsand
2016 08 M-health and Chronic Disease Treatment Adherence Eirik Årsand
2016 07 Social Media as Enabler of Self-care and the Do-it-yourself Movement? Eirik Årsand
2016 04 Wearable technologies and Sensors Eirik Årsand
2016 03 M-health Apps by Numbers Eirik Årsand
Eirik's posters
Poster no. Title Author(s) Size
2022 04 Diverse recruitment strategies are needed to reduce digital divide: results from a workshop addressing digital divide and effects of pandemic restrictions Meghan Bradway, Eirik Årsand 90x120 cm
2022 01 Lifestyle changes from online information among people with diabetes – the human factor still counts Eirik Årsand 67,5x120 cm (16:9)
2020 07 How to choose among the many diabetes apps and online resources? Dillys Larbi, Konstantinos Antypas, Meghan Bradway, Pietro Randine, Elia Gabarron, Eirik Årsand 90x120 cm
2020 06 Engagement in Diabetes Health Education Content on Facebook Elia Gabarron, Eirik Årsand 90x120 cm
2020 05 Lessons learned from using a remote study-management platform: use in an mHealth diabetes study Meghan Bradway, Pietro Randine, Eirik Årsand 90x120 cm
2020 04 Intervention studies need to adapt to better address patient needs for diabetes self-management Meghan Bradway, Dillys Larbi, Pietro Randine, Konstantinos Antypas, Elia Gabarron, Eirik Årsand 90x120 cm
2020 03 Healthcare Personnell’s Expectations of a System for Sharing and Using Patient-Gathered Data Eirik Årsand, Meghan Bradway 90x120 cm
2020 02 Toward a Personalized Decision Support System for Blood Glucose Management During and After Physical Activities in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes Phuong Dinh Ngo, Eirik Årsand, Fred Godtliebsen 90x120 cm
2020 01 Transforming a Furby toy into a multi-modal companion for children with type 1 diabetes Pietro Randine, Miroslav Muzny, Eirik Årsand 90x120 cm
2019 06 The Relationship between Anxiety/Depression, Electronic Health, and Doctor Visiting Decisions among People with Diabetes Eirik Årsand 70x100 cm
2019 05 Development of an ICT solution to obtain annual, national, representative health indicator data for non-communicable diseases – a pilot study Inger Torhild Gram, Eirik Årsand 70x100 cm
2018 13 Improving Study Management Services for Mhealth Interventions – a Dynamic Concept for More Efficient Trials Meghan Bradway, Eirik Årsand A0
2018 11 Participatory approach and social media to promote healthy lifestyles on diabetes Elia Gabarron, Eirik Årsand 70x100 cm
2018 09 Diabetes social media users’ preferences for a health promotion intervention Elia Gabarron, Eirik Årsand 70x100 cm
2018 06 Stepwise Treatment Concept Proposed for an mHealth Enabled Diabetes Intervention Meghan Bradway, Eirik Årsand 67,5x120 cm (16:9)
2018 05 Utilizing the New Generation of Wearable Devices in a Combined Diabetes Diary Application Eirik Årsand 67,5x120 cm (16:9)
2018 04 The Necessity Of Using Mixed Methods For Assessment Of mHealth Interventions: Application In The “Full Flow Of Data-sharing” Project Meghan Bradway, Eirik Årsand 67,5x120 cm (16:9)
2018 03 Experience From Using a Dynamic Study Management Service for an M-health Diabetes Type 2 RCT Eirik Årsand, Meghan Bradway 67,5x120 cm (16:9)
2018 02 A FHIR-Based Data Flow Enabling Patients with Diabetes to Share Self-collected Data with the Norwegian National Healthcare Systems and Electronic Health Records Systems Meghan Bradway, Eirik Årsand 67,5x120 cm (16:9)
2018 01 Design Better Together: Co-design Workshop Protocol To Develop An M-Diabetes Data Sharing System Between Patients And Clinicians Meghan Bradway, Eirik Årsand 67,5x120 cm (16:9)
2017 16 Healthcare representatives tweeting about #diabetes: Follow the leaders! Elia Gabarron, Eirik Årsand A1
2017 01 A Review of Mobile Applications in General Practice: Forming a Questionnaire to Explore Clinician Needs Meghan Bradway, Eirik Årsand 67,5x120 cm (16:9)
2017 02 Need for Differentiating Presentation of Patient-gathered Data Between Type 1 and 2 Diabetes During Consultations Meghan Bradway, Eirik Årsand 67,5x120 cm (16:9)
2017 03 The need for updated evaluation approaches for e-health and m-health interventions - a dynamic concept for more efficient trials Eirik Årsand, Meghan Bradway 67,5x120 cm (16:9)
2017 04 Evaluating the role of m-health interventions in patient empowerment Meghan Bradway, Eirik Årsand 67,5x120 cm (16:9)
Eirik's presentations
Date Title Event Author(s)
2017.05.10 M-helse - en viktig komponent i Helseplattformen Søkekonferansen Eirik Årsand