
E-medicine management

Electronic medicine management is introduced into the health services, and we must research the effects. We do this together with researchers throughout Norway.

We have established a "Research Network for E-medicine Management". The network's goal is to strengthen multidisciplinary research nationally, and to gather and disseminate information to the research communities that follow the development. We believe that by collaborating and sharing knowledge we can achieve more than each of us.

Everyone who wants to join the network is most welcome. Please contact Monika Johansen, see the link to the right.

E-medicine management

Efficient categorization leads to efficient analysis

Descriptions of adverse drug events, medication errors and overall treatment have the potential to tell us a lot about a medicine. If only we could easily make sense of all that unstructured data!

Join the free webinar on 20 January.


The pharmacy, the patient and digital interaction

Good digital interaction solutions contribute to better patient safety! How do the pharmacies do it?


What pills should I take today?

Citizens and patients should be in no doubt about which medicines they should use and when. The number of sources of error must be reduced. The potential lies in the digitalisation of medication management.


Avoid playing telephone in medication management

Relevant, unambiguous and precise descriptions of medicines are essential for common understanding and traceability. It's time to put an end to playing telephone in medication management!


E-multidose provides better overview, but also increased workload

With the transition from fax to e-prescription for multidose, reconciliation increases from 77% to 94%. This probably improves patient safety, but at the same time, new research shows an increased workload at the pharmacy.


Nurses get their time back with automated drug preparation

Work on standardising the closed pharmaceutical loop continues in the South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority. The next step is an automated preparation process. The results show a better everyday life for nurses. Experiences from trials? Find out more in this webinar.


A social science perspective on pharmaceutical management

Medication errors have consequences for the individual, the health service and society. Welcome to a webinar where we take a social scientific look at how to understand medication errors as a work and organisational challenge.


Better use of e-prescription on the way to the patient's medication list

The patient's medication list will be rolled out across the country over the next few years. What can you do to prepare now? Catch up on the latest news about trialling and implementation in this webinar.


How to improve medication-related patient safety in emergency departments

Creating the correct medication list for a patient admitted to the emergency department is complex and time-consuming. In addition, medication-related admissions are a challenge that requires attention.


The future of pharmaceutical management with farmasitun

‘Farmasitunet’ at the New Oslo University Hospital brings together specialised and future-oriented pharmaceutical management. How will this increase quality and safety? What lessons can you take back to your own workplace?


The new role of pharmacists

Astrid Johnsen and Thomas Bäckstrøm shed light on the future of pharmacists and their role in a new webinar on digital medication management on 1 April.

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