
E-medicine management

Electronic medicine management is introduced into the health services, and we must research the effects. We do this together with researchers throughout Norway.

We have established a "Research Network for E-medicine Management". The network's goal is to strengthen multidisciplinary research nationally, and to gather and disseminate information to the research communities that follow the development. We believe that by collaborating and sharing knowledge we can achieve more than each of us.

Everyone who wants to join the network is most welcome. Please contact Monika Johansen, see the link to the right.

E-medicine management

The patient's responsibility for their own medicine list

Doctors can write as many prescriptions as they want, but it's the patient who chooses which medicines to take. How do you empower the patient in a medication review?


Medicines management of risk medicines in hospitals

Opioids and anticoagulants carry high risk and are overrepresented in medication incident reporting in hospitals. How can we improve vulnerable processes and thereby increase patient safety?


Artificial intelligence in pharmacovigilance

Several studies show that published clinical trials have major weaknesses in their reporting of side effects. Clinical trials are often too small to detect anything other than the most common side effects. Spontaneous reporting of adverse reactions depends on events being reported by healthcare professionals and there is likely to be significant under-reporting. In this webinar, Tone Westergren discusses whether knowledge about side effects can be improved by using e-health data and artificial intelligence.


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Search for adverse reactions in Felleskatalogen

Felleskatalogen will soon be launching a new functionality that will make it easier to find out about side effects associated with polypharmacy. The editor of Felleskatalogen talked about the project and showed the possibilities in the side effect search at the webinar on 4 February.


The patient's medication list in practice

Healthcare providers in Bergen have started testing the patient's medication list. Katinka Alme presented her experiences so far at a webinar on 21 January.


No one should die from medication errors

How do we achieve the vision that no one should die from medication errors? We review the measures in the field.


Personalised use of medication in psychiatry with machine learning

How can we ensure better drug treatment in psychiatry from the first consultation? Tore Haslemo believes that machine learning is the answer.


EHIN 2021: Can errors occur in PLL?

Panel discussion on the patient's medication list.


EHiN 2021: Patients' own efforts when using their own health data

Patients' own efforts when using their own health data


Technology that prevents medication errors

Does scanning barcodes on medicines and patient wristbands lead to safer medicine handling? Absolutely, says Alma Mulac, but the system is challenging on many levels.

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