
E-medicine management

Electronic medicine management is introduced into the health services, and we must research the effects. We do this together with researchers throughout Norway.

We have established a "Research Network for E-medicine Management". The network's goal is to strengthen multidisciplinary research nationally, and to gather and disseminate information to the research communities that follow the development. We believe that by collaborating and sharing knowledge we can achieve more than each of us.

Everyone who wants to join the network is most welcome. Please contact Monika Johansen, see the link to the right.

E-medicine management

Personalised use of medication in psychiatry with machine learning

How can we ensure better drug treatment in psychiatry from the first consultation? Tore Haslemo believes that machine learning is the answer.


EHIN 2021: Can errors occur in PLL?

Panel discussion on the patient's medication list.


EHiN 2021: Patients' own efforts when using their own health data

Patients' own efforts when using their own health data


Technology that prevents medication errors

Does scanning barcodes on medicines and patient wristbands lead to safer medicine handling? Absolutely, says Alma Mulac, but the system is challenging on many levels.


National list of medicines in Sweden

How are our neighbours in Sweden faring when it comes to implementing a common pharmaceutical management system by 2023? Welcome to the webinar on 15 October with Tora Hammar.


Extra work - a prerequisite for healthcare integrations

Poor integration between the technical systems at the hospital creates additional work for staff in the form of data registration and maintenance.


Decision support in MetaVision

Correct medication management has been given a support tool in the form of MetaVision. Find out how it works.


Digitalization of medication management

Utilization of technology to ensure safe use of medications in hospitals is quite different in the USA than in Norway. Dr. Sally Rafie talks about digital technology and the medication use process in this webinar on September 17th.


Pasientsikkerhet: ‒ Ordningen med multidoser mangler retningslinjer

Manglende retningslinjer og ansvarsfordeling rundt maskinpakkede ruller med medisindoser er i ferd med å bli en utfordring. Det kan gå ut over pasientsikkerheten, ifølge forsker.


Pharmacist in the emergency department

How can a patient's medication use be correct from the start of their hospital stay?


Healthcare professionals struggle to obtain information about which medicines their patients use

A national joint digital patient medication list is coming soon. It will solve many problems, researchers believe.

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