
Stein Olav Skrøvseth


Stein Olav Skrøvseth is our Centre Director. He holds a master's and PhD in mathematical physics from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, Norway. In 2008 he was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Sydney in Australia before he was employed as a researcher in statistics at the Norwegian Centre for Telemedicine in 2009. Here he participated and led several research projects within medical statistics, medical image analysis, machine learning, pattern recognition and data analysis. He has published over 30 scientific articles. In 2013-14 he was visiting researcher at IBM Thomas J. Watson research laboratory in New York.

Stein Olav's projects
Project title Year Theme Project management
Data Driven Decision Support for Clinical Information Systems 2014 - 2017 Health data
Stein Olav Skrøvseth
European Telemedicine Conference 2016 2016 - 2016 Services for health professionals
Eli Kristiansen
Health Analytics knowledge raising 2017 - 2018 Helsedata
Per Atle Bakkevoll
WARIFA: Watching the risk factors: Artificial intelligence and the personalized prevention and management of chronic conditions 2021 - 2024 Citizen services
Health data
Conceição Granja Thomas Roger Schopf
Stein Olav's publications in Cristin
Title Year Category
Kunstig intelligens i helsetjenesten – muligheter og utfordringer 2024 Feature article
Strukturerte helsedata – frustrerende eller nyttig?Strukturerte helsedata – frustrerende eller nyttig? 2023 Feature article
Telemedicine meeting and visit to an emergency hospital in Uzbekistan 2023 Report
Forskningsleder kritiserer Kjerkols journalplan 2023 Interview
Rollen av forskning i innovasjon 2022 Lecture
Paneldebatt EHiN - Kunstig intelligens i helsetjenesten 2022 Lecture
About E-health Research 2022 Lecture
Hvor går veien videre for e-helse - nå? 2022 Feature article
Presentasjon av Nasjonalt senter for e-helseforskning 2022 Lecture
Paneldeltaker 2022 Lecture
Front row comments with stakeholders (kommentator) 2022 Lecture
Kan HelseOmsorg21-rådet gjøre en forskjell? 2022 Lecture
Helsedata redder liv 2021 Feature article
Dette er diskusjonen om hvordan det nye milliardsystemet for kommunene bør lages 2020 Interview
WHO/Europe and Norwegian Centre for E-health Research renew partnership 2020 Interview
Så kan machine learning och AI förbättra vardagen för profession och patienter 2020 Lecture
Digitalt frokostmøte: Hvor god er Norge på persontilpasset medisin? 2020 Lecture
Helsedata: Gull eller gråstein? 2020 Lecture
Covid-19 – hvordan håndterer Norge pandemien? 2020 Lecture
Toppledersamtale 2020 Lecture
Helsedata – Norges nye plattform 2020 Lecture
Forskere fra flere fagmiljøer sier de ikke blir hørt i Akson-prosjektet 2020 Interview
Forskere: -Ble ikke bedt om råd 2020 Interview
Forskningsleder advarer Høie mot Akson 2020 Interview
Akson er feil svar på riktig spørsmål 2020 Reader opinion piece
Forskningssenter advarer mot Akson: -Langt på vei avskiltet 2020 Interview
E-helseforskerne finner mye feil, forblir likevel teknooptimister 2020 Interview
Norge trenger en kunnskapsbasert e-helselov 2020 Feature article
Dette sier forskning om offentlige IT-prosjekter 2020 Interview
Person-centred, integrated and pro-active care for multi-morbid elderly with advanced care needs: A propensity score-matched controlled trial 2019 Academic article
Digitale helsedata kan gi større ulikheter 2019 Editorial
Maximizing Interpretability and Cost-Effectiveness of Surgical Site Infection (SSI) Predictive Models Using Feature-Specific Regularized Logistic Regression on Preoperative Temporal Data 2019 Academic article
Kunstig intelligens i helsetjenesten -Flere fag må samarbeide om behandlingen 2019 Interview
Ja til sekundærbruk av helsedata 2019 Feature article
E-helse: Dette var oppturene og nedturene 2018 Interview
Hvordan oppnå bedre tjenester i helse- og omsorgssektoren ved hjelp av ny teknologi? 2018 Lecture
Health Analytics 2018 Report
Health analytics Kunstig intelligens – nye muligheter for helsetjenesten 2018 Report
Hvordan påvirker den teknologiske endringen lederskapet? 2018 Lecture
Presentasjon av Nasjonalt senter for e-helseforskning 2018 Lecture
2018 Lecture
Big data in medical research and e-health 2018 Lecture
Building Learning Healthcare Systems from big data: Challenges and promises 2018 Lecture
Nye muligheter for helsesektoren 2018 Lecture
Research and industry collaboration potential in H2020 2018 Lecture
Towards Practical Privacy-Preserving Distributed Statistical Computation of Health Data 2017 Doctoral dissertation
Presentasjon av Nasjonalt senter for e-helseforskning 2017 Lecture
E-helse i nye bygg 2017 Lecture
Presentasjon av Nasjonalt senter for e-helseforskning 2017 Lecture
Health data analytics 2017 Lecture
Big data is here – from ICT-driven to data driven health care 2017 Lecture
Digitalisering, hva vet vi om den verden som ligger foran og hvordan forberede organisasjonen? 2017 Lecture
Presentasjon av Nasjonalt senter for e-helseforskning 2017 Lecture
Does proximity of women to facilities with better choice of contraceptives affect their contraceptive utilization in rural Ethiopia? 2017 Academic article
Om E-helse 2017 Lecture
Kan e-helse skape nordisk næringsutvikling? 2017 Lecture
Teknologiens betydning for fremtidens pasientbehandling 2017 Lecture
Using anchors from free text in electronic health records to diagnose postoperative delirium 2017 Academic article
Analysis of free text in electronic health records for identification of cancer patient trajectories 2017 Academic article
Opening 2016 Lecture
Making sense of changing health landscapes- new demands for research and evaluations 2016 Editorial
Learning similarities between irregularly sampled short multivariate time series from EHRs 2016 Academic lecture
Support vector feature selection for early detection of anastomosis leakage from bag-of-words in electronic health records 2016 Academic article
Predicting colorectal surgical complications using heterogeneous clinical data and kernel methods 2016 Academic article
Prediction of Surgical Complications using Heterogeneous Clinical Data and Kernel Methods 2015 Academic lecture
Predicting Postoperative Delirium Using Anchors. 2015 Poster
From unstructured EHR text to data-driven clinical decision support 2015 Abstract
Data-driven Temporal Prediction of Surgical Site Infection 2015 Academic article
Using the data we have - what could possibly go wrong? 2015 Lecture
Improved Skin Lesion Diagnostics for General Practice by Computer-Aided Diagnostics 2015 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Data-driven approach for assessing utility of medical tests using electronic medical records 2015 Academic article
Data-driven personalized feedback to patients with Type 1 Diabetes: A randomized trial 2015 Academic article
Quantifying the Utility of Medical Tests using Longitudinal EHR data 2014 Academic article
Utilizing data gathered through mobile apps for self-management of type 1 diabetes 2014 Poster
Data-driven medical test utility and visualization 2014 Lecture
Feature selection using Kernel Component Analysis For Early Detection Of Anastomosis Leakage 2014 Academic lecture
Hva er ”Big Data” innen medisin, og kan det bidra til bedre pasientsikkerhet? 2014 Lecture
Data-driven analytics for decision support 2014 Lecture
Quantifying the Utility of Medical Tests using Longitudinal EHR data 2014 Academic lecture
Detecting Novel Associations for Surgical Hospital Readmissions in Large Datasets by Interactive Visual Analytics 2014 Academic lecture
Bootstrap resampling feature selection and Support Vector Machine for early detection of Anastomosis Leakage 2014 Lecture
Implementation of an electronic surgical referral service. Collaboration, consensus and cost of the surgeon – general practitioner Delphi approach 2014 Academic article
Consistency and Standardization of Color in Medical Imaging: a Consensus Report 2014 Academic article
A semiautomatic tool for prostate segmentation in radiotherapy treatment planning 2014 Academic article
Performance of a dermoscopy-based computer vision system for the diagnosis of pigmented skin lesions compared with visual evaluation by experienced dermatologists 2014 Academic article
Power law approximations of movement network data for modeling infectious disease spread 2014 Academic article
Fremtidens legesjekk er en regneoperasjon 2013 Interview
Mobile Patient Applications within Diabetes - from Few and Easy to Advanced Functionalities 2013 Poster
The Snow system – a distributed medical data processing system 2013 Academic lecture
The Snow communicable disease outbreak detection approach 2013 Academic lecture
Design of an Advanced Mobile Diabetes Diary Based on a Prospective 6-month Study Involving People with Type 1 Diabetes 2013 Poster
Mobile Patient Applications within Diabetes - from Few and Easy to Advanced Functionalities 2013 Abstract
Utilization of self-gathered patient data in a mobile-phone-based feedback system for patients with type 1 diabetes 2013 Abstract
Model-driven diabetes care: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial 2013 Academic article
Design of an advanced mobile diabetes diary based on a prospective 6-month study involving people with type 1 diabetes 2013 Abstract
Long-Term Engagement With a Mobile Self-Management System for People With Type 2 Diabetes 2013 Academic article
Cost-effectiveness and quality of life in surgeon versus general practitioner-organised colon cancer surveillance: a randomised controlled trial 2013 Academic article
What answers can pattern recognition give in patient pathways research? 2012 Popular scientific lecture
Non-inferiority studies: How, and why? 2012 Academic lecture
Mathematics and Statistics in TTL 2012 Popular scientific lecture
Computer aided diagnosis of malignant melanoma using dermatoscopic images 2012 Popular scientific lecture
Modeling the spread of infectious diseases by Gaussian Markov Random Fields as a tool for medical decision making 2012 Academic lecture
Causality in Scale Space as an Approach to Change Detection 2012 Academic article
Scale-Space Methods for Live Processing of Sensor Data 2012 Academic lecture
Model driven mobile care for patients with type 1 diabetes 2012 Academic article
Scale-Space Methods for Live Processing of Sensor Data 2012 Academic article
Mobile Phone-Based Pattern Recognition and Data Analysis for Patients with Type 1 Diabetes 2012 Academic article
Using Noninferiority Tests to Evaluate Telemedicine and E-Health Services: Systematic Review 2012 Academic literature review
Mobile Health Applications to Assist Patients with Diabetes: Lessons Learned and Design Implications 2012 Academic article
Spatio-temporal modeling of communicable diseases: A case study of North Norway 2012 Poster
Effects and Feedback from 30 Individuals with Type 1 Diabetes, Using a Mobile Diabetes Diary: The Few Touch Application 2012 Academic lecture
Smittemeteorologene vet hvor influensaen sprer seg 2012 Interview
Bayesian multiscale analysis of images modeled as Gaussian Markov random fields 2012 Academic article
Personalized Mobile Phone-based Tools for Type 1 Diabetes 2011 Poster
Automatic Segmentation of Dermoscopic Images by Iterative Classification 2011 Academic article
Spatio-temporal modeling and outbreak detection of infectious diseases in northern Norway 2011 Academic lecture
Spatio-temporal Modelling and Outbreak Detection of Infectious Diseases in Northern Norway 2011 Poster
Scale Space Methods for Analysis of Type 2 Diabetes Patients' Blood Glucose Values 2011 Academic article
Mobile Diabetes Self-Management Tools –What’s the Role of Clinicians? 2011 Poster
Automatic learning of spatial patterns for diagnosis of skin lesions 2010 Academic article
A computer aided diagnostic system for malignant melanomas 2010 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Digital Monitoring of Changes in Skin Lesions 2010 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Digital Monitoring of Changes in Skin Lesions 2010 Academic lecture
2010 Academic lecture
The role of statistics in shape analysis 2010 Academic lecture
Statistical modeling of aggregated lifestyle and blood glucose data in type 1 diabetes patients 2010 Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Phase transitions and localizable entanglement in cluster-state spin chains with Ising couplings and local fields 2009 Academic article
Quantum Computation in Perturbed Cluster States 2008 Academic lecture
Quantum Phase Transistions in Cluster Chains 2008 Poster
Entanglement properties of quantum spin chains 2006 Academic article
Thermalization through unitary evolution of pure states 2006 Academic article
Entanglement and Its Applications in Systems with Many Degrees of Freedom 2006 Doctoral dissertation
Doktoren svarer 2006 Interview
Entanglement used to identify critical systems 2005 Academic article
Entanglement in bosonic systems 2005 Academic article
Entanglement signatures in critical quantum systems 2005 Poster
Stein Olav's project reports
Report no. Title Author(s)
2023 02 Telemedicine meeting and visit to an emergency hospital in Uzbekistan Monika Knudsen Gullslett, Karianne Lind, Stein Olav Skrøvseth, Lene Lundberg
2018 04 Health Analytics Alexandra Makhlysheva, Andrius Budrionis, Taridzo Chomutare, Anne Torill Nordsletta, Per Atle Bakkevoll, Torje Dahle Henriksen, Joseph Stephen Hurley, Johan Gustav Bellika, Fred Godtliebsen, Stein Olav Skrøvseth, Terje Solvoll, Line Helen Linstad, Håvard Blixgård
2018 03 Health analytics: Kunstig intelligens–nye muligheter for helsetjenesten Per Atle Bakkevoll, Alexandra Makhlysheva, Andrius Budrionis, Taridzo Chomutare, Line Helen Linstad, Anne Torill Nordsletta, Fred Godtliebsen, Johan Gustav Bellika, Stein Olav Skrøvseth, Terje Solvoll, Torje Dahle Henriksen, Joseph Stephen Hurley, Håvard Blixgård
Stein Olav's presentations
Date Title Event Author(s)
2019.06.18 Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare - Introduction speech Kunstig intelligens i helsetjenesten, konferanse i Bodø Stein Olav Skrøvseth