

1. Smaradottir, B.F., G.K.R. Berntsen, and R.W. Fensli, How to Enhance Digital Support for Cross-Organisational Health Care Teams? A User-Based Explorative Study. Journal of Healthcare Engineering, 2020. 2020: p. 8824882. https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/8824882

2. SMARADOTTIR, B., et al., How to Drive Care Transformation Towards a Digitally Assisted Patient-Centred Service Model? Experiences from the 3P-Project. 2020.

3. Braut, G.S., et al., The "Bow-Tie model" - a method for analysis of risk in clinical work at the interface of specialist and municipal care. [«Sløyfa» – en metode for analyse av risiko i klinisk arbeid i grenseflaten mellom spesialisthelsetjenesten og kommunehelsetjenesten. En egenevaluering av implementeringen i klinisk praksis.] Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning, 2020. 6(2): p. 196-208. https://www.idunn.no/tidsskrift_for_omsorgsforskning/...

4. Berntsen, G., et al., Reaching for the Quadruple Aim – What are we missing? In press - abstract IFIC 2020, Croatia, 27th -29th of April 2020. International journal of integrated care, 2020.

5. Smaradottir, B.F. and R.W. Fensli, User Experiences and Satisfaction with an Electronic Health Record System, in International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics. 2019, Springer. p. 73-80.

6. Smaradottir, B. and R. Fensli, A Case Study of Technology Use and Information Flow at a Danish E-clinic. IEEE Xplore, 2019.

7. Smaradottir, B. and R. Fensli, Patient Experiences and Digital Involvement in Patient-Centred Care Models, in Context Sensitive Health Informatics: Sustainability in Dynamic Ecosystems, R.M.e. al., Editor. 2019. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31431596/

8. Smaradottir, B. and et.al, Why is it so Hard to Integrate Telemedicine as a Part of Municipal Health Care Services? Experiences from a Norwegian Municipality, in 17th Scandinavian Conference on Health Informatics, 12 -13 Nov 2019, . 2019: Oslo Norway. https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Why-is-it-so-Hard-to-Integrate-Telemedicine-as-a-of-Smaradottir-Sjaavaag/88e9d82458fb06525a669d9a966b4aba27bab3b8

9. Smaradottir, B. The 3P-project: Evaluation of Telemedicine Solutions in Patient-centered Care Teams. in 17th Scandinavian Conference on Health Informatics. 2019. 12 -13 Nov 2019, , Oslo Norway (SHI2019)

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16. Berntsen, G.K.R., et al., The evidence base for an ideal care pathway for frail and multi-morbid elderly: A combined scoping review and systematic intervention review. . J Med Internet Res, 2019. https://www.jmir.org/2019/4/e12517/https://hdl.handle.net/10037/15881

17. Berntsen , G., et al., Person-centred, integrated and pro-active care for multi-morbid elderly with advanced care needs: a propensity score-matched controlled trial. BMC Health Serv Res, 2019(19): p. 682. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-019-4397-2

18. Berglind F. Smaradottir and R.W. Fensli, Evaluation of Technology Use in an InterDisciplinary Patient-Centered Health Care Team. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 2019. Volume 257: Improving Usability, Safety and Patient Outcomes with Health Information Technology: p. 388 - 392. https://europepmc.org/article/MED/30741228

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20. Smaradottir, B., et al., Telemedicine follow up of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Integrated into a Patient-centered Health Care Team Setting-Impacts on Patient Empowerment and Safety, in Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence. 2018. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/329481328_Telemedicine_Follow_Up...

21. Smaradottir, B. and R.W. Fensli, The technology use and information flow at a municipal telemedicine service. 2018.

22. Smaradottir, B. and R. Fensli, Evaluation of a Telemedicine Service Run with a Patient-Centred Care Model. Studies in health technology and informatics, 2018. 251: p. 297-300. http://ebooks.iospress.nl/volumearticle/49493

23. Lee, E., et al. Engaging and empowering citizens with long-term conditions: How to define personal goals and how to support the goal achievement with technology? in International Journal of Integrated Care. 2018.

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25. SMARADOTTIR-BERGLIND, F. and R. FENSLI, Integrating Care Through Patient-Centred Health Team Working Across Organisational Borders, in Studies in health technology and informatics. 2017. p. 85-85.https://books.google.no/books?...

26. SMARADOTTIR, B., S. MARTINEZ, and R. FENSLI, User-centred Design of E-health Technology for Patients and Professionals in Productive Teams-Multidisciplinary Teamwork across Organisational Borders, in Informatics for Health 2017: Advancing both science and practice. 2017, Journal of Innovation in Health informatics - Conference Report: Manchester, UK. p. 134. https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=User-centred+Design...

27. Smaradottir, B. and R. Fensli, A Case Study of the Technology Use and Information Flow at a Hospital-Driven Telemedicine Service. Studies in health technology and informatics, 2017. 244: p. 58. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29039377/

28. Phanareth, K., et al., The Epital Care Model: A New Person-Centered Model of Technology-Enabled Integrated Care for People With Long Term Conditions. JMIR Res Protoc, 2017. 6(1): p. e6. http://www.researchprotocols.org/2017/1/e6/

29. Lee, E. and D. Gammon, Identifying Personal Goals of Patients With Long Term Condition: A Service Design Thinking Approach, in Studies in health technology and informatics. 2017. p. 93-97.https://books.google.no/books?...

30. Berntsen, G.R., et al. Personcentered, cross organizational and multiprofessional team halves mortality risk. The PAtient Centered Care Team (PACT) Study – Preliminary results from a comparative effectiveness study. in 17th International Conference on Integrated Care, Oral presentation. 2017. Dublin. https://www.ijic.org/articles/abstract/10.5334/ijic.3798/

31. Berntsen , G. KeyNote speaker: Pasientsentrert helsetjenesteteam (PSHT) for pasienter med komplekse lidelser og langvarige behov: resultater fra utprøving i Tromsø og Harstad in E-helse i Norge (EHiN), . 2017. Oslo, October 31-1 nov 2017

32. Phanareth K, Dam A, Hansen M, Lindskrog S, Vingtoft S, Kayser L. The nature of COPD revealed by self-tracking, PRO-data and analysis of contact pattern for participants in a personalized health centered living lab organized according to the Epital Care Model: A longitudinal study. J Med Internet Res. 2021;23(10):e22567. http://dx.doi.org/10.2196/22567