Disputas – cand.scient. Luis Marco-Ruiz
Cand.scient. Luis Marco-Ruiz disputerer for ph.d.-graden i helsevitenskap og skal den 5. mai 2017 offentlig forsvare avhandlingen:
Semantic and Perceptual Models for Clinical Decision Support Systems

Kort sammendrag av avhandlingen
The current vision of healthcare is evolving in directions towards the secondary use of health data for producing new evidence, rapidly assimilating new knowledge, including the patient as an active component in decision-making. The work in these directions heavily relies on the appropriate use of different technologies. Among these technologies, Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS) implement validated evidence as computable artifacts that enable access to medical knowledge at the point in time when it is needed to make a decision about a person’s health.
During the last two decades CDSS standards and technologies have progressed significantly to develop them as more robust and scalable systems. However, the current context of medicine sets high demands in aspects such as interoperability to enable the use of EHR data in CDSS, the need to establish communication challenges to include the patient as an active component in decision making, collaborative learning and sharing CDSS across institutional borders.
In this thesis I tackle some of these challenges. I evolve previous conceptual computerized decision support frameworks and I postulate a CDSS environment where different models interact to enable:
- Secondary use of data for CDSS: The dissertation presents a model to leverage different developments in data access and standardization of medical information.
- CDSS semantic specification: The semantic model proposed exploits the paradigm of Linked Services to unambiguously describe CDSS in a machine- understandable fashion. This allows using expressive queries to discover CDS services in health networks, and analyzing CDSS interfaces to understand how to interoperate with them.
- Effective patient-CDSS interaction: the dissertation proposes a method to evaluate the communication process between patients and consumer-oriented CDSS. The method aims for detecting if important human-computer interaction barriers that could lead to negative outcomes are present in CDSS user interfaces.
- Hovedveileder Professor II Johan Gustav Bellika, Institutt for klinisk medisin, UiT - Norges arktiske universitet
- Biveileder professor Randi Karlsen, Institutt for informatikk, UiT - Norges arktiske universitet
- Biveileder forsker Gro Berntsen, Nasjonal forskningssenter innen komplementær og alternativ medisin, UiT - Norges arktiske universitet
- Biveileder førsteamanuensis Vicente Traver Salcedo, Universitat Politecnica De València, Spania
- Biveileder seniorforsker José Alberto Maldonado Segura, Universitat Politecnica De València, Spania
- Biveileder dr. Rong Chen, Karolinska Institutet, Sverige
- Professor Gunnar Klein, Informatikk med innretning mot e-helse, Örebro universitet, Sverige. – 1. opponent
- Professor Silvana Quaglini, Health Care Information Systems, Universitetet i Pavia, Italia. – 2. opponent
- Professor Gunnar Ellingsen, Institutt for klinisk medisin, Det helsevitenskapelige fakultet, UiT– Norges arktiske universitet - Leder av komité
Førsteamanuensis Marijke Van Ghelue, Institutt for Klinisk medisin, UiT – Norges arktiske universitet
Prøveforelesning over oppgitt emne holdes kl. 10.15, samme sted: “Experiences of human factors research on the use of computer supported decision support systems with a focus on professional users”
Når: 05.05.17, kl. 12:15 - 15:00
Hvor: Store Aud, Medisin- og helsefagbygget, UiT Norges arktiske universitet