Maryam Tayefi Nasrabadi
Maryam Tayefi is a senior researcher at the Norwegian Centre for E-health Research. She is a statistician and has a lot of experience in analysing health data sets using classical statistical methods and machine learning algorithms. She has statistics degrees from Azad University of Mashhad, Iran. In addition she has an M.phil in statistics (2010) and a PhD in data mining (2013) from Pune University, Pune, India. Then, she worked as a post doctoral researcher at Mashhad University of Medical Sciences (MUMS), Mashhad, Iran. Starting in 2016, she was a research assistant professor at the Faculty of Medicine, MUMS.
She received the "best researcher" prize from MUMS in 2018.
Maryam's research interests are prediction models with both classical statistical models and machine learning algorithms. She is involved in the WARIFA project, where she works with context awareness, prediction models and machine learning alorithms. Further, she is working on evaluating the algorithm being developed in the ClinCode project. Maryam is also the project leader for creating a knowledge summary about artifical intelligence in health care, as well as the statisical and machine learning project, IM-PACT.