
Workshop EHiN/SHI

Workshop on Patient Generated Data – Opportunities and challenges

New technology with digitally based equipment and services gives today’s patient good opportunities to follow up on their own illness. This technology with multiple sensors and apps is already well established and widely used and there is a rapid development within the area. But questions can be raised to weather this is solely beneficial for the patient, as well as to how the health services of today are managing in keeping up with both the technology and the modern patient’s expectations. What opportunities, limitations and disadvantages lays in opening up for the patient’s own recorded data as information provided for the health services, when providing their advises and follow-up of the patient.

Through several projects, the Norwegian Centre for E-health Research (NSE) has been concerned with how the patient’s own recorded data can be useful for clinical personnel in the treatment. Together with our partners in the Full Flow project, funded by Research Council of Norway, we have progressed well in evaluating both technical and organizational opportunities and threats, as well as analyzing user perspectives from both patient and clinicians, as the clinical platforms would need to adapt to this, in near future.

This workshop gave us good opportunities to discuss issues concerning use of patients own data and the implications connected to this, with our partners as well as other experts within the area. We shared our experiences, from the perspective of both patients, clinicians, technology providers and authorities, discussing challenges and opportunities with others who are concerned with the same issues.

The workshop was a collaboration between: Aalborg University, University of Agder, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, and Norwegian Centre for E-health Research.

Agenda and presentations from the workshop