Online event 11 October - Digital divide
Our next Open Day takes place on 11 October. Join us online, to hear about the consequences digitalisation in healthcare has for non-digital citizens.

We welcome you to the online event entitled: Digital divide.
The difficulty of understanding or being able to use digital tools creates a digital divide. Roughly 600 000 Norwegians are non-digital and at risk of being excluded from the digital society.
Digital transformation in the health sector may lead to unequal access to digital health services. In this webinar, the topics are what digitalisation in healthcare can contribute with, and the challenges that are arising.
Please register by 10 October
This virtual event takes place on 11 October 2023, at 9-11:30 (CEST). The webinar is free and will be held in English.
Registration is quick and you do it here:
After registration you will receive your personal link.
The webinar will be recorded and made available on the web afterwards. Looking forward to it – and we hope to see you there!
Download the programme as a PDF in this link.
The event is hosted by the Norwegian Centre for E-health Research in collaboration with the Polish Ministry of Health. The Open Days series is part of the Norway Grants-funded project “Tackling social inequalities in health with the use of e-health and telemedicine solutions”.