
The Digital Health Revolution - seminar

We invite you to join our pre EHiN seminar on October 30th in Oslo: The Digital Health Revolution is happening now: How will it affect Norwegian healthcare?

Illustration photo: Colourbox.com
Illustration photo: Colourbox.com

If you are attending the conference EHiN Future Health 2017 in Oslo Spektrum Norway October 31 - November 1, we have a special happening for you.

Monday October 30 at 12:00, the day before EHiN starts, we invite conference participants to a seminar hosted by the Norwegian Centre for E-health research and the University of Tromsø - The Arctic University of Norway. The seminar is also sponsored by the Project Full Flow, which is funded by the Norwegian Research Council.

The seminar will be in English, and the deadline for registration is October 22.


Healthcare reshaped

The seminar will discuss how ICT, medical devices, sensor systems, and new telehealth services, are reshaping healthcare. This development is driven by several factors:

  • Health authorities’ approval of remote diagnostic tools, in particular US’ FDA
  • The advancement of different telehealth platforms for managing chronic conditions and achieving specific patient outcomes
  • The development of different telehealth services offered by private and public healthcare organizations and systems
  • Innovative direct-to-consumer initiative by Samsung, Apple, American Well and others
  • DIY (Do-It-Yourself) initiatives that force health care institutions and industry to change their business models and open up their devises and systems
  • Social media and cloud-based solutions have moved healthcare initiatives from healthcare professionals to patients and relatives
  • Standardization enables exchange of health data between all stakeholders in health care

Goals of the seminar

  • Provide a brief overview of what is happening in health technology, especially related to telehealth/telemedicine, eHealth/mHealth and health consumers
  • Explores how technology will change the delivery of healthcare
  • Make health actors, Norwegian and international, aware of the current situation and discuss how to relate to it


12:00 - 12:10IntroductionS. Skrøvseth
12:10 - 13:30The digital health revolution is happening nowG. Hartvigsen
13:30 - 13:45Break
13:45 - 14:30DIY, social media, cloud-based solutions, mHealth and
diabetes – how patients take control of their diabetes
E. Årsand
14:30 - 15:00Patients’ access to their own health data – does it matter?T. Sørensen
15:00 - 15:15Break - sandwiches and refreshments
15:15 - 15:45Big data is here – from ICT-driven to data driven health careS. Skrøvseth
15:45 - 16:15Is technology alone the solution? What is needed in addition
that benefit patients and make them stay focused
M. Bradway
16:15 - 16:30Break
16:30 - 17:30DiscussionAll

Presenters - click names for bio

Stein Olav Skrøvseth, director, NSE

Gunnar Hartvigsen
Gunnar Hartvigsen, professor, UiT/NSE
Meghan Bradway

Meghan Bradway, PhD candidate, NSE

Eirik Årsand

Eirik Årsand, professor, NSE/UiT