Line Helen Linstad
Line Helen Linstad, PhD student and senior adviser, has worked at the centre since 2002. She has worked as a manager on different levels in the centre. After stepping down from management roles she started a PhD in e-health at the Department of Community Medicine at UiT The Arctic University of Norway.
She is doing av PhD on different governance models in e-health. Focusing explicitly on the Norwegian National E-health Governance Model, which is embedded in the national e-health policy of Norway. See the White Paper: “One Citizen One Journal”. Meld. St. 9 (2012-2013) «Én innbygger – én journal»
She still works in a 25% position as a senior advisor in different e-health projects at the centre.
She obtained a master in Political Science from the University of Oslo in 1994. She has also finished two master's programmes in Master of Management at the Norwegian Business School (BI), project management courses at BI Tromsø and internal management courses at the University Hospital of North Noway (UNN). She has experience in management and project management. She has been a member of the HIMSS Europe Governing Council (2015-2017). She has served on the EHTEL Board of Directors for two terms from 2011 - 2015. She has also been an advisor to the Barcelona Mobile World mHealth Centre.
She previously worked as a health planner for the Regional Health and Social Care Board in the Northern Norway Regional Health Authority and as an Advisor in the Norwegian Federation of Organizations of Disabled People (FFO).